Newbie Timber Question

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Established Member
6 Jun 2012
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Hi All,

One of the first projects I want to do is build my first bench, I have asked my local timber merchant to quote me some wood (I told them what I needed it for).

I have to say, the email communication was excellent - and here are the options I was given.

The first price I am going to give you is for our stock 50 x 100 Planed & 100 x 100 Tanalised Posts that we would skim up for you : £83.14 inv vat

The second price will be for the same stock 50 x 100 Planed but with a joinery grade 100 x 100 planed for the legs: £141.65 inc vat

And the final price will be in all rough sawn structural timber : £60.29 inc vat

Now, I want to learn how to handle wood - and I think to do that I need to start with the basic tools (planes, chisels etc), rather than reach for a power tools (ok, maybe a circular saw).

Would it be expecting too much of myself (a beginner) to get the cheaper rough sawn, and plane it to something better looking or does the "Rough Sawn" equate to "Knotty, ugly timber?" if that is the case I may as well get the more expensive stuff.

Finally, what I did appreciate was the offer to come and visit the timber merchant so they could show me the different qualities, I can only determine from this that they didnt want to sell me something over the internet without looking what I would be getting.



I would be a bit careful of sawn timber in those sizes-it can be full of shakes. 4x4 sawn is typically fence post stuff so not needed to be top quality. There will be plenty of time to practice cleaning up timber which is much easier on a bench. A visit to see what i what should see if you have anything to worry about though

Hi Mark
Just to confuse you even more sometimes the sawn carcasing timber is in fact "regularised" ie planed. and can be quite usable stuff.
You already know the answer go and have a look.

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