Mystery tool.

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At this morning's first bootsale of the season I bought two carrier bags full of small hand tools for £30 - result!

Amongst them was this oddity - appears to be a gimlet but look how large the screw tip is - it's a full 7mm across at its widest.

Anyone got any idea if it's something specialised? It seems unlikely to be just a run of the mill gimlet to me.


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I got this one at a boot sale it was covered in hard like putty, and when I’d cleaned it of I found the top of the handle actually unscrewed and inside were these bits which I tidied up a bit but I love screw starter and have been using it quite a bit lately, but the surprise was when I took the top of it was moment of satisfaction like discovering a sword inside a walking stick, which happened years ago, a bit of an Indiana jones

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