My heart is broken

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Established Member
18 Aug 2019
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Ash Vale, Aldershot
It is with great sadness that this evening we have had to say farewell to our much beloved springer spaniel Mya, we have known her since birth and owned her from 8 weeks, on May13th she turned 15, my partner is beyond heartbroken, we don't have children so our dogs have filled that void, the 2 that remain are distressed and know something is wrong, we will be taking the body to Dignity ourselves for cremation, I plan to make the urn for her to rest in, is there anything I should consider before/during making it?

Rest in peace baby girl 😥 I will miss you forever.
Sorry for your loss @Stigmorgan. I have no words or advice, only that I'm sure whatever you turn will be fabulous.
Personally I'm dreading the day our cockerpoo goes, never wanted a dog (I've been allergic most of my life but fortunately not in this instance) she was for our daughter but because I work from home she has effectively become mine she's 11 now, but the spaniel in her keeps her a puppy and as the saying goes man's best friend.

Sad Regards

Sorry to hear that. Loosing a dog or any pet always is hard. Our last dog was a spaniel so I have a soft spot for them. That last trip to the vet was very hard. Make her an urn to be proud of.
so sorry...
over the years lost a good number's never easy or get easier....
when our last B/C went we introduced his body to the others in the pack.....
many tears by the group sadness.....but it def helped them come to terms....
In the past they never knew what happened....they just wondered around looking....
He and his wife/puppy are buried in the same palce in our little wood.....
took solice in digging it deep.....
planted a climbing rose to go up the tree.....
just what more can u do....?
writing this is really upsetting me but thats what make u human....

bst advice get another pupy QUICK....
Grieving for a dog is much shotrter than a human, I think. Never very happy - as someone who has lost their closest - that she is compared with an animal.
Sorry at your loss. One suggestion is that the two remaining dogs should see the body - somehow they understand and will settle more.
Mya was brought home last night, our cockerpoo Olive is confused, she has never experienced death and kept trying to wake Mya up, she has known Mya her whole life, Tia the anatolian shepherd is a rescue from Romania and I'm sure she has experienced more than her share of death but she still seems sad.
Mya took her usual place between us on the bed last night, today we will take her to Dignity to be cremated.
The urn will likely be a simple turned box, I'm thinking a light wood because I want to transfer a photo of her onto it, any suggestions for wood species would be great.
Sorry for your loss and feel your pain. We lost our English Bulldog last year and we were absolutely devastated…we were that sad we went and got another. You can’t replace a dog but we at least gave another a loving home. Take care and our thoughts are with you.
Very sad to hear about your dog. They really are one of the family. I think dogs are the most loyal companion you can have. That is a beautiful picture of your girls.
Gutted for you, we're mucj the same position and I dread how swmbo will be when it happens to our beddy whippet
So Mya is now with the lovely people at Dignity, she will be ready for us to pick up tomorrow. My partner has decided she would like one of the urns they provide that is shaped like a springer spaniel and has asked if I would make a doghouse to go with it and put a shelf up for her to rest on.
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So sorry for your loss, I know how you all must feel it brings it all back with a tear in my eye a lump in my throat I lost my girl a few years ago a border collie, I could never get another one like her.
Mya would have had a good life with you all.

So Mya is now with the lovely people at Dignity, she will be ready for us to pick up tomorrow. My partner has decided she would like one of the urns they provide that is shaped like a springer spaniel and has asked if I would make a doghouse to go with it and put a shelf up for her to rest on.
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How about a turned base for the urn?

Just a thought?

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