Major favour needed

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Established Member
21 Apr 2010
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After having the week from hell with my back finally saw my spinal surgeon it know looks like I need another two spinal operations so that will be five in total and then also having major hassle from the DWP to top it off .

The favour I am after is could someone knock me up some feather boards for my router table .
I am still trying to water proof my shed so any work I do is outside when it is dry and I am able to walk and not being laid up in bed . From what I have read you need a bench saw to do the slots I dont have one at present and untill I sort out the mess up with the DWP I am skint.
I have tried Ebay etc but they are to expensive at the moment for me .
I know this sounds like I am taking the pxxs but I would be really grateful for any help I can cover postage but just hoping someone would have some off cuts to make them .

Regards Gerry

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Hi Gerry,

You have my sincere sympathy re a back problem. I've had my 3rd op and it's still not right so I do understand.

Sorry to say I don't have a table saw, and anyway, postage from Switzerland would be disproportionate, but I guess someone who can help will be along soon.

Meantime, "Gute Besserung" & good luck with the op - don't forget the rehab/physio afterwards..

Where are you? I am sure someone will be able to help you.

I live in Swansea Pete
AES the rehab/physio afterwards is the worst bit 6 mths of rehab minimum hydro pool three times a week plus gym workouts with the physio
been there three times it is not going to beat me.
Gerry, I can really sympathise, especially re the physio, etc. Personally I was never, ever, what you'd call a "sporty" type, and frankly, going to the hospital gym 3 times a week is a real struggle for me - especially when someone says "enjoy" as I arrive ("WHAT????" "You think I'm here for FUN!!!!").

The only positive thing I can say is that if I don't go then I get more backache, whereas if I do go, then the backache is reduced (though NOT eliminated unfortunately). So for me anyway, struggle though it may be sometimes, it's (usually!) an easy(ish) decision to decide to go.

Good luck anyway mate.

I can relate to DWP being totally incompetent! in particular with people with disabilities or mental illness, they disgust me.

I would like to help but I am too far away unfortunately, best of luck with the shed though and wishing you good health.
whereabouts are you in swansea im in neath not too far away drop me a pm with your number . ian