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Clocking on
29 Jan 2017
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Like it or loath it?
Intrigued I looked for a better quality image. I looks like it could be DougFir or similar which I find interesting, and is very on point in the furniture world as I understand. I find the design too aggressive (perhaps what MsTruss was looking for) and as others have said it does appear rather unfinished. If someone could be bothered I expect a F-O-I request could get more details including the cost.

It's supposed to signify things spiralling out of control
Twelve years of the conservatives, three PM's and they want to advertise things spiraling out of control, they were the ones at the helm and now we have that gormless muppet at the helm so we all know which way it is going to go.
Twelve years of the conservatives, three PM's and they want to advertise things spiraling out of control, they were the ones at the helm and now we have that gormless muppet at the helm so we all know which way it is going to go.
Didn't see the spiraling illustration did they! Ops!
What irks me most about about the design, isn't the pedestal - clunky as it is- but the grain running vertically on the top platform. For all the world , this looks to be made from a vacuum -moulded plastic, with the grain printed on the outside. Hence, the incongruity of the grain direction.
Perhaps it is MDF with a stick on veneer.
beat me to it.

I would've said "I like it". which is different than I'd make it or buy it, but my comment was going to be "when will they make a $79.99 version out of MDF and wood grain tape veneer?
If that is really her taste than I wonder if she will use woodchip wall paper and not spend a fortune of tax payers money on replacing the one Boris used. I would change the rules and say that number 10 can only be decorated once at taxpayers expense during a four year period, if the party decides to change PM's so regularly then they meet the interim cost.
I saw the picture first and wondered if the question referred to the lectern or the person standing behind it.

I do agree that it looks unfinished and rather wooden.

I'm sure that, given more time and a bit more media exposure, it wont look so pale, the edges will have been knocked off a bit and the public will find it more appealing.

As for the lectern ....
I saw the picture first and wondered if the question referred to the lectern or the person standing behind it.

I do agree that it looks unfinished and rather wooden.

I'm sure that, given more time and a bit more media exposure, it wont look so pale, the edges will have been knocked off a bit and the public will find it more appealing.

As for the lectern ....
"the public will find it more appealing" appealing I don't think so, I was always told you can't make a silk purse out of a pigs ear.