Jet JML-1014 or AXI AH-1215vs

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Thanks Jon and Brian.

There's really only one place I can put it at the minute and will probably be Christmas before I can sort it so won't be making a bench just now.

I have a run of oak cupboards / drawers along 2 of the workshop walls with chipboard / hardboard worktop. Stands about 900mm high and 550mm deep so the intention is to create a sort of open cubicle if that makes sense to contain most of the shavings and so I can light and extract easily. I did have my last lathe in a similar position and it wasn't too bad. also i thought if I bolt it down with some type of quick(ish) release method I could move it to the workbench and maybe sit at it if I wanted to. - dunno yet :)

As an aside, have you come across the nova G3 chuck kit? ... __x_8.html - Record power have it on sale at £110.

just got the same chuck the other week seems nice not used it a lot , seem you can loads of other bits to go with it, thats about the price i paid