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Established Member
13 Mar 2007
Reaction score
East Lothian
My workplace is a nightmare. I have put up with it for a while but am now at the stage were I really need to get things changed.
I work as a sign maker but we use all the usual w/work machinery; table saw, RAS, vertical panel saw etc in the workshop.

If some of you people could see the state of the place you would be horrified. None of the equipment is adequately guarded or braked and extraction and ventilation is non-existent.

I have raised these issue a number of times and usually get called a "moaning turnip" or something similar and nothing is ever done. I have to ask repeatedly for even the simplest things (like a new blade for the RAS which had three teeth missing!)

Today I found our 16 year old trainee using the table saw (no guarding, braking or extraction) to cut a bit of aluminium sheet. He had been told to do it by one of my colleagues because he couldn't be bothered doing it himself. I naturally went off on one - only to be laughed at.

How can I get things changed without putting myself in the firing line. I have rocked the boat enough already.

Any advise welcome.

[edit] Can anyone point me towards the HSE regulations on tablesaw use so I can print it out. [edit]
You could anonymously contact the HSE -trouble is I suspect your employer will know its you.

From experience, I doubt you will be able to get significant change.
Try to find a new job and then contact HSE.

This place sounds like a deathtrap and needs shutting down.

A further thought:

There should be available to you the current employers liability certificate, find the insurer & tip them off.


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