Good news, bad news

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Established Member
9 Mar 2008
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Well after a number of increasingly stressful months my other half, Laura, has at last got a new job. We made a decision back in late summer that she would jack in her job that was causing her untold stress and misery and move into contract work (IT projects). Then the a*se fell out of the economy and getting a job became very hard.

Thankfully we had made provision for a few months of single income, but it's depressing to see your hard earned disappearing to pay the bills and all the time wondering if you're going to ever get a job again! Well, just when it was really beginning to bite cash and depression wise a job has come through. In Luxembourg :shock:

Bit of a change, but it's paid work and Luxembourg looks fantastic, so an adventure really. On the downside we'll only see each other at weekends for a number of months, but I can go and see her for long weekends for a change of scene and I might also commit to you lot what I plan to make this year and might even have a chance of making it. No excuses for staying out of the workshop now!

So looks like a happier New Year. Cheers all :D

Just need to pursuade her to buy me a new bandsaw with all this moolah................. Or new windows for the house. No, no a bandsaw is more urgent - ish
Well done, I'm facing similar woes. Without the happy side. Good luck, hope it all goes well. I've been tempted to go out to Dubai for a year where apparently the IT trade is buoyant. Missus would never ever agree to it tho.
Remember: a new bandsaw will help you to make new windows! :D :wink:

Well, I'm sure there are some (older) blokes on here who'd be happy to see less of their other halves...! :shock: I really hope it works out for you. You're bound to find it tough at times but, if you're both happy then it's worth it. Sounds like you'll be able to spend more time in the workshop when you're feeling lonely. :)
OPJ":1r4y4hhj said:
Well, I'm sure there are some (older) blokes on here who'd be happy to see less of their other halves...! :shock:

Not that old ;) (and we're not married yet) :D
Go for it.
I've been job-hunting for 5 years and now I wonder if I'll ever be employed again. I'd jump at the chance. Get a laptop with a webcam and it will be just like being at home.

I went to Lux when I was 14 with the Scouts. It was very expensive then, £25 for the 10 days and we starved for 9 of them.

Today I've been asked to go and film in Zambia in July. The difference is that instead of getting paid I have to pay to go! I'll probably do it though, it's for a very good charity.

I wonder what the temperature will be like? A couple of years ago I went to Sierra Leone for the same organization and it was mid 30's, but that was at Easter.

Steve Maskery":4pyx3tr7 said:
I've been job-hunting for 5 years and now I wonder if I'll ever be employed again.


Today I've been asked to go and film in Zambia in July. The difference is that instead of getting paid I have to pay to go! I'll probably do it though, it's for a very good charity.

Hello Wood Whisperer UK!

Not that I am suggesting making a profit out of a charity event. But more short videos, more regular. Means more fans/following, means more sponsors, means 'employment'.

Honestly, it's clearly working for Marc.
Well I'll concede that his market is bigger. But he says he's earning his crust from it.
Well good luck Steve, is film making/camera work your area of expertise then? Tom hope your back holds out and you aren't invalided out - though on the plus side, whenever I read your posts I stop slouching in front of the PC! So you're doing me some good

May yet not have all that woodworking time yet, Laura is being pursued by another company who are based in Leeds and would be paying more money. However, do have to have an interview with a director and it's not till Thursday, so very last minute - plus would feel very guilty about letting the Luxembourgers down. A pleasant dilemma to have after all these months
Ironballs":mwfr78l4 said:
Steve, is film making/camera work your area of expertise then?

Well film-making and camera work are two completely separate things, I can tell you! I've made a few short films (find me on YouTube) and a couple of DVDs. I have a third DVD ready and waiting to be unleashed on the unsuspecting public - I just have a few little problems to sort out. Not with the film, that is done (I hope) but, as I've hinted elsewhere, Google Checkout is causing me headaches at the mo.

My first two films were camera-ed (ouch!) by my mate Bob, who, though untrained, is actually very good. Most of my new film was me filming myself and of course, that means that pans and zooms are out. A few scenes have them, I got Bob in for a session or two, but it does make for a much more chop-chop viewing rather than balletic movement. It doesn't necessarily mean worse - indeed some people prefer it - but it is different.

BTW, if you watch any of the YouTube films and you like them, please vote! It's very galling to find that the Sierra Leone vids attract a higher rating than my woody ones, which are actually much better and took a helluva lot longer to make! :) It's just that some of them are very specific. At least, I hope that's the reason.

I've got a new one to upload just as soon as I can get this website stuff cracked.
in short, he's known round here as Steve Superstar Maskery

But he was too modest to say that.