Fun guy wood turning mushrooms

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pat from Marck

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26 Feb 2023
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Marck France
So my first adventures into wood turning was to practice using the different tools and how they cut. I opted to practice making mushrooms as it seemed a good as anyplace to start. Now a few months later I'm branching off into other subjects. The diversity of shapes and forms for me was quiet staggering and all though I've stopped turning out the little chaps there's still a part of me that is itching to get back to creating more. So do you have a photo of your first mushroom or prehaps your a masterturner with an artistic piece that you would like to share. Anyway the reason for this post, I'm left with a situation of what to do with all those mushrooms I've made (30 in all) As the misses really likes them. l came up with the idea of drilling a hole in the base and gluing a Dowell 12mm rod about one third in length of the hight of each mushroom and then sharpened the end. Now they are in our garden as ornamental decorations. I'm leaving a pic of my first mushroom shaped endeavour and a few of stephs new garden additions
You are in France, garden fairs ( one near me this week-end ) turned and chainsawn mushrooms sell like "croissants chauds"..and yours are far better and nicer than any I have ever seen, and I've been here 33 years..set yer stand out.
get yourself on etsy or make yourself a website ( in french ) to sell these, you'd have the proverbial "couilles en or" :)

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