Free trade deal with Australia

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Why are some so anti global but pro EU.

I guess it comes down to those who thought it would be, what was the phrase, "the easiest deal in history"?

...and those who maybe think its a little more complicated.

I really wish you'd all go back to your natural habitat in the closed forum, it must be much more enjoyable in there, like minds and all that.
and those who are determined to not make it work................

Ahh, so its their fault now.

First it was the immigrants fault.
Then the French. Or the Germans.
Now we have left, and Scotland is talking about leaving the union again, trouble is once again rising in northern Ireland, and large sectors of international trade are stuffed, its all down to Remoners!

I should have known.

Opps... I forgot Dianne Abbot. Something must be her fault also.
Stop whinging

you had 2 catagories, I added one. I never blamed anyone, that was you.
I'd rather you did the whinging behind closed doors, that's what it's for. Also Labour seems to be quite strong over there compared with national statistics.

What has Diane Abbott got to do with it, I mean I can list some faults but I don't know why you'd want me to?
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This "Australia deal" is symbolic, that's all.

The term "Australia Deal" was so obviously focus grouped.
Australia: often associated as a glamorous place, it's English speaking, ex commonwealth.

The trade reality is rather different:

it's biggest exports are iron ore, coal,and gas.
It's biggest trade partner is China
Australia is 10,000 miles away

It makes no logical,sense to massively increase trade friction with our largest trade partner which is on our doorstep for that.
Did the bus photo upset you?
No, I like buses. 🤣 I guess you don't
Not a lot upsets me to be honest. Thats why the loonies and sandal wearers got annoyed with me, like water of a ducks back Julian.

Although I would prefer the "doom mongers" and "end of the worlders" to stay in their locked room, it was set up for you lot but you keep escaping.
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People still don't get it - Brexit isn't going to pay measurable dividends for a while, but when it counts, your children and grandchildren will be glad enough of us had the foresight to see the EU for what it is - a gingerbread house. It was NEVER about what we gain today or even tomorrow, but about what we don't lose; our nation, willfully given away by the delusional and the blindly stupid; worse still, just a few generations after millions gave thier lives to prevent. The slow but inexorable creep and amassing of powers of control for the EU which are absolutely undeniable when measured against the original remit of the free trade agreement from the 70's, and if the EU survives, because of it's sheer size would swallow the UK wholesale at some point further down the road. There's only two ways this is going, it'll implode due to infighting, or it'll become another USSR with all member states becoming vassals to the strongest among it - Germany.

You can accuse me of tinfoil all you want, but the EU IS a hostile takeover, an invasion by erosion; a law here, some compliance required there and so on; just really really slowly until every country is all using the same currency, with the same laws and same method of governance, and I do mean governance - not government. You either comply, or suffer.

Never has a saying been more true "you will get the government you deserve", and if you think things are bad now, think back to the implosion of the USSR and all that came before it. History is going to repeat itself, because the delusionally blind and stupid seem to think humanity is less power hungry and greedy than it was 100 years ago.

No they are not, they've just got better and smarter at it.

Naive fools.
The reason Putin and his bagholders enabled and support Brexit is that it makes us weaker not stronger. Anyone who looks at the world and thinks that the EU is a threat to our way of life and values compared to the actual and very real threats to the western democratic ideal is a ******* numpty.
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