Elektra Bekum 316g


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17 Jan 2021
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A friend is having a clearout of her dads old woodworking stuff and is offering me this bandsaw for a nominal donation of £50 - is it worth having?
I have never owned a bandsaw before so have no idea what I'm buying but it seems like I have nothing to lose?
I haven't even seen it yet other than a blurry photo but plan on picking it up in the next few days

It’s a good small bandsaw, max cutting depth is 160mm and 0.5kW output power, you’ll not be resawing oak planks but it’ll enable you to do many small jobs much easier.

I found a bandsaw was quite a game changer in the workshop as it feels very safe and is quick to jump on and rip/cross cut something to size. It has a slot for a mitre gauge, and it’s worth finding one that fits.

A bandsaw is not a super accurate tool but a new blade would be a sensible thing to get before you try to set it up. A knackered old blade could put you off the machine immediately as it will refuse to cut straight.
thanks Fizroy, that is some good knowledge and very specific! thanks for the tip on the blades, I have no idea what to buy in that regard so will need to research that I guess.
Get your blades from tuffsaws, as Fitzroy said a new blade should be the first thing to get, you should get the blade size from the manual if you get one with the machine, otherwise, I am sure you will find it online, and yes you will need to read here on the forum about blades, how many TPI for different cuts, a bit too much to mention here, the more TPI the cleaner the cut, Ian from tuffsaws will give you good advice.
I agree with Fitroy.....but if you can afford it get 2 or 3 blades with a range of cuts, one perhaps wide & coarse & another narrow & fine for curved & delicate work. Also set up is important....there is prob something online, or better still find a friend who knows. Adjustment of tension, tracking & the guide rollers will bring you unexpected joy & accuracy.....hopefully.
Looking at pictures online, the blade length is printed on the side of the machine, so that is helpful. I will buy two or three blades in that case and as regards to setup, that is going to be a steep learning curve.
I actually noticed you can get the guide upgrade kits for the saw for about £70 - that could be a good upgrade, I'm kinda crossing my fingers that upgrade has been done already but I won't find out until next week :)
No brainer for £50 I think it is a bargain. I have had one for 15 years and it has been a great workhouse. As everyone else says Tuffsaw blades.
Looking at pictures online, the blade length is printed on the side of the machine, so that is helpful. I will buy two or three blades in that case and as regards to setup, that is going to be a steep learning curve.
I actually noticed you can get the guide upgrade kits for the saw for about £70 - that could be a good upgrade, I'm kinda crossing my fingers that upgrade has been done already but I won't find out until next week :)

From memory the blade is 88".
Good bandsaw? It's ok, not the best and certainly not the worst. As some one alluded to, guides, supports and adjusters are chocolate metal but treated with a measure of care will last with only the odd bit needing replacement usually due to cracking if over stressed. Lower guides are friction, I use a couple of small strips of the nearest hardwood.
If it's green it's ancient, if it's blue not so old.
For 50 quid you got a bargain and with a decent blade it's quite capable of most tasks.
PS- it can be very accurate and will cut hardwood well, even resaw on occasion but it has to be set up properly.
PPS- if old guides etc, check thrust bearing at rear, has a habit of jamming up with goo from timber, it can be opened and lubed. .
PPPS- check tyres on the wheels, they can get a bit crispy over time.
that is going to be a steep learning curve.
You can get Steve Maskery's DVD on the Bandsaw, He is a member of the forum and used to write for the Good Woodworking magazine, I don't have the link at the moment, but I am sure you will find it, I got it when I bought my first bandsaw, everything you need to know is in there
I have the elektra beckum 315 (an older green one), which I believe is virtually the same machine, and agree with comments above. For £50, don't think twice!

I had to replace the guides on mine as the bearing blocks were broken when I got it - I fitted the upgrade kit with bearings rather than thrust guides which seem to work well. It involved drilling one or two holes in the steel case to locate the bottom guides but the kit came with a template to mark the right place to drill.which was fairly straightforward. The upgrade also increases the maximum height of cut by a couple of cm, though you won't actually be cutting anything that deep on this machine!

If anything needs replacing (eg drive belt, tyres) my experience is that spares are easy to come by and straightforward to replace.

I think once you have it you'll find it's a really useful little workhorse which you couldn't do without.
I still have one upgrade guide kit fitted and converted to spring tension of the blade, as I think it easier on the wheel bearings. Good small bandsaw dose all I require.
thanks everybody, that's great info!
It's the blue one. I will be having a look around, I know there are a couple of lathes as well - I don't want a lathe, don't have space for a lathe, but i suspect I will be able to pick it up for next to nothing so I may well return with the magic beans which I really shouldn't be returning with.

I'm also looking at buying a track saw this week, brand new, but it still takes up space - haven't even finished building the workshop yet and its already full :-D
Here are the pictures I have, not the best:




I'm only planning on returning with the bandsaw but we will see
