Dodgy email from myself (sort of).

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Established Member
22 Mar 2013
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My Mother received an email from me with a link and she clicked it and nothing happened. She mentioned it to me and I said I hadn't sent one so had a look and its very strange.

The email has my full name, correctly spelt and the first half of my old yahoo address but the yahoo bit isn't there some other server. We both have the same, rare surname.

Very odd, any advice ? I did a scan on her machine and mine but found nothing.
Probably harmless marketing but difficult to be certain. Did she click anything on the page the link took her to, install anything, or provide any details? Those are the warning signs really.
Either her email account has been compromised or yours has. Change both passwords.

People should always use a completely unique password for their email - one that isn't used for any other site
+1 MattRoberts, change the password for both accounts.

The link will probably have sent her to a compromised website, whether it infected her machine or not depends on how up-to-date her Windows updates are, and the potency of her anti-virus solution.

I see 100s of these each day come through our email server at work.