digital camera flash working only now and again

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Established Member
28 Nov 2007
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Can someone in the know help me please.
I took my Fuji Finepix 4700 with me to view a job this morning and I needed to take a number of photos indoors.
The flash worked for the first three and then refused to work again. I tried turning off and on, closing the flash and opening again, etc - wouldn't work. Then ten minutes later it worked again - for a few snaps - then stopped again.
It has done this before and I thought the flash was gone completely but some days later it started again.
What I'd like to know is - can it be fixed or do I have to bite the bullet and get a new one. It is about 7 years old - an antique almost - but it's fine otherwise.
Thanks in advance
What sort of condition are the batterys in? If they are running out then they may not be able to charge the capacitor for the flash to work quickly enough, I noticed my fuji s7000 struggles when the batterys are on the used side.
Thanks very much for the reply Chris.
I've just been playing around with camera. I've got two sets of batteries - one nearly ready for recharging and one almost fully charged and I now can't get the flash to NOT work. It must be the law of sod.
I think there is merit in your idea though and I'll keep my batteries fully charged.