Could i adapt this for dust extraction?

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Established Member
27 Jun 2023
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York or surrounding
I have a brand new extraction fan from my co2 laser
would it be suitable for dust extraction. Some sites sell them as fume extraction as in the case of my co2 laser, but some are selling as dust extraction too.
With it turned on it really belts out a blast of air nearly pinning you to the back wall!

If so where could I buy the other parts to build it? I'd prefer a fine dust cartridge
If you're buying that direct from China, don't forget to factor in the import duties which could add quite a bit to the bill.
Hi , I bought a CO2 laser around 3 years ago and the extractor fan came with it, I already owned a in-line fan so never used the above and its been hanging around in my garage so I thought I'd use already got the fan, not buying from China
If you use it for extraction, either you have to catch everything before the fan or it will pass through (and contact) the fan. At the very least, that will lead to increased noise and big, abrasive particles will destroy the fan fairly quickly.

You might have to hook it up to a cyclone bucket for better results.
This is the same style of motor / impeller as a workshop chip collector but has a narrow fan of big diameter. It will make a better suction than most shop chip collectors because of it's proportions, but won't be heavily built like they are and doesn't have the bigger fan that allows a chip collector to pass chippings without blocking up or damage. A fume fan doesn't need the heavy build, but does benefit from good suction.
Put a cyclone on the front and that will remove all the big stuff before it gets to the fan, then the good suction performance will be your friend as it will help offset the loss of suction that happens in cyclones.
Worth a go :)

And stick to hoses etc of similar size to the inlet of the fan. It looks like a 50 or 63mm diameter. Don't try and use it with a 100mm hose etc, you may not get a fast enough air flow through the hose to keep it reliably swept clean.
Awesome !
In that case, just bear in mind that it may well make enough suction to collapse a plastic drum like a lot of us use with cyclones. A steel drum or at least some internal braces in a plastic one may be needed.
Please show us the photos if you do try it !
How much noise does it make when operating?

That might be a consideration in your design as you might wish to situate it so it does not annoy you, which then influences the location or connection of other pieces in the system.
After having seen two fires in our makerspace lasers with in the last two months, I don't think it's prudent to connect it to a dust collector. (that might be connected to other WWing tools)

1st case involved cutting small pieces within letters in Plexi which burst into flames and caused 3000CDN$ damage to our laser. If a high volume fan was going into a dust collector filled with dust, well it could have sucked up a burning piece of plixi, and injected it into sawdust, with a large amount of blowing air...., into a canister likely hidden from view!. Some folks would consider that a recipe for disaster.

2nd case was a rubberized material that an engineer had apparently " fire-tested" but it still burst into flame with the temps in the laser. No damage, just a LOT of soot all over innards of machine and optics!, but a high-volume exhaust going into a dust collector could have sucked up one of those burning pieces.

In both cases, time elapsed form happy lasering to open flame was less than a minute! I was nearby for both occasions.

We invested in a CO2 extinquisher, and installed dome mirrors over both lasers so that folks could be sitting on a desk and see the flames before they became significant

Lasers don't produce dust, so no need for dust deputy or dust collectors, both of ours are vented outside directly, and even then, the roof-top grill typically gets cleaned twice yearly as our cold CDN winters lead to condensation and percipitation of the creosote on the outside grill!

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