Car Boot - Not !

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Established Member
15 Oct 2008
Reaction score
Petone, New Zealand
Car boot sales are as rare as hen's teeth around here, so I have to trawl the internet auctions for bargains (or rip-offs).

A month ago I bought "an assortement of old hand tools sold as 1 lot I am selling on behalf of estate" (that was the entire description :!: ) because I wanted to acquire the Record 071½ at the bottom of the photo
Group of Tools.jpg
and thinking I could sell of the No.3s or 4s or whatever, to help recoup costs.

The tools duely arrived. The Brace is un-exciting and un-branded - I might get the equivilent of 50p for that. The eggbeater (an early Stanley 803) has been modified with a replacement arbor for the crank-wheel - £2.50 (£5 if I don't declare the mod. - but I wouldn't do that). The woodie is covered in over-spray (no borer) - £2.50 if I'm lucky. The two No.3s or 4s turned out to be a Stanley No.3 and No.10½ - choice :!: - both UK models.

But the 10½ has a broken frog (damn) :( - never mind, I have a spare from a broken No.3. Then I remembered that a No.3 frog will fit a Record rabbet plane, but not a Stanley.
No10h Base & Frogm.jpg
I'll have to work on that one.... (but no quick sale there #-o :roll: )

The No.3 was also interesting - sort of ! When I removed the irons I found plenty of rust at the top end, but the business end was okay...
No3 Iron Bevel2.jpg
...and the face is okay...
No3 Iron Face1m.jpg
But look at the outline in light rust. The iron has been in bevel-up for quite some time. I bet it cut well like that :-k #-o :duno:

Ah well, I'll get maybe 40% of what I paid for the lot, from the sale of the No.3 - that still makes for a very reasonably priced No.071½.

I thought you might enjoy a Sunday morning chuckle.

Cheers, Vann.


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Shame about the 10 1/2, would have been great result there !
I've had to restrain myself from getting a 10 1/2 on numerous occasions.

Keep on gathering them.