Butt Mortice Plane?


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Saint Simon

Established Member
19 Feb 2009
Reaction score
North London
Watched the video about this plane on the LN site a while ago and, as someone who is not very good at neatly fitting hardware, thought it looked interesting.

Having recently been left a couple of bob that needs to be spent on something that will last I would like advice on whether this is another thing "in the category of buy once and use never" or whether people have found it a useful tool.

Advice please.
Well, to find an equivalent substitute in the properties of other existing handplanes, I guess there could be an alternative.

I could think of using shoulder planes providing wide adjustability in sole toe piece positioning. You could set the blade protruding quite far, and wide opening of the mouth would give you some clearance and some view to the work.

Of course, one could always buy a cheapo wooden shoulder plane and just open it's mouth enough for the task.

Clean out most of the waste with a chisel ...


.. and then use a router plane to tune ..


Regards from Perth

Hello Derek,

I was about to suggest the same procedure, but then it came to me that especially the "cleaning out most of the waste with a chisel" could already be the stumbling block for many. :?

The other difficult thing to figure out could be in not seeing that one could really chisel the through-notch for narrow piece from both sides. Although it is obvious, there can be still seen in many handmade cabinets how chiselling from one side only has done it's job in making tearouts on the other side. It's a bit pain. Or rustic. :)

I admit, I can't tell for sure if using a butt rabbet plane (or specially prepared shoulder plane) along the grain would do any better. At least it would be working along the grain.

Handplanes are like Pokemons. You gotta catch them all! Nyahaha! :D

Hi Derek,

Before the days of Elu, that's how I used to do it.

Well, I still do if I can't be assed to get the Elu out of the cupboard!

Elu? Wasn't that a puppet for a guy called Rod Hull? :D

John :)