Blister signing Off

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Established Member
UKW Supporter
10 Nov 2006
Reaction score
Boston Lincs
After recent events and a couple of days to think thing over , I have decided to leave the forum

Before I go I would like to thanks my forum friends for a enjoyable time ( 6 years ish )

I would also like to thanks everyone who supported the challenge ( entrants ) and CHJ for the work and support he have given ,

Next on the list is Alan ( Hudson Carpentry ) this man built a custom score board for us and maintains it on a monthly basis ,

Thanks go to Richard and Paul for offering to be Judges giving fair and unbiased results , helpful and constructive comments .

One more post to do later today in the general section , may be some time as I will have to choose my wording very carefully
I realise I don't know all the facts but I wish certain other people involved in this would fall on their swords.

I don't suppose it will change your mind Allen but I do wish you wouldn't allow the careless and vindictive action of a very few members to drive you away. I was disgusted when I read the post that started all this and wish the two of them as much ill will as I can muster. One is already on my 'foe' list and the other I had never heard of before.

Best of luck Allen, I for one, wish you well.

Very sorry to see you go. You have steadfastly managed the monthly chllenge and your advice and wit will be missed.

Best of luck in whatever you do,


I've obviously missed all the shennanigans fella, and respect your wishes. For selfish reasons I would rather you stayed part of the forum. Being a relative noob I value your opinion & guidance as I'm sure others do too. It's always easier to learn from your mistakes when you can draw on the experience of others.
That said, a man has to do what a man has to do.
Best wishes & good luck for the future


Sorry you feel this way Allan, you're a great bloke. I hope whoever caused what has happened have been permabanned

henton49er":2wb8ea2m said:

Very sorry to see you go. You have steadfastly managed the monthly challenge and your advice and wit will be missed.

Best of luck in whatever you do,



and I would like to add that I can, hand on heart, say I would not have progressed (quiet at the back!) and enjoyed my turning as much as I have without the monthly challenge and all the work and effort you put into it. I tip my hat to you sir!
I hope its not the last we've heard from you, (maybe you could come back later as Blisters Ghost :twisted: )
until then, all the best.
A real shame that you are leaving the forum and would just like to add my thanks to those above for all the work you have done especially with the monthly challenge.

Thanks Agin

You know my thoughts Allen. Let me know if you ever fancy a visit down this way.

All best, Paul
Oh dear, didn't know anything about this. It's hard to think that with so many members, there are just one or two that seem to be hell bent in creating as much misery to other members. Sometimes makes you wonder if they have a pulse. One thinks not. Although I didn,t take part in the turning comps, (my name was down, just had to much work commitments) Thanks you for your time and huge effort. I'am sure that you will not land far from the tree! All the best.

I'm not a turner but I have followed the monthly challenge ans have seen many of your posts over the past few years.

I am stunned that your leaving the forum is necessary. I have no idea who the two miscreants were having missed the shenanigans. I find people who cause these issues to be the lowest of the low.

My reaction would be different . I would name and shame and complain to the moderators. If they are moderators I would plainly ask for them to be removed with some urgency.

Very sorry to see you go unless maybe you would rethink. Hope to see your posts elsewhere.

Many regards
Hi Allen,

Missed the reason for your decision but you will be missed. Thanks for all you have done and contributed to this forum, I wish you well.

Best wishes,

As others have said I have missed all the shenanigins, but you will be sadly missed.

I am not a wood turner but have enjoyed following the competition and have admired your input.

There is a stench and a bad taste in my mouth !! I have seen none of the posts that were posted concerning this issue .It smacks of things that only come out at night . This man has been to visit me here in Ireland on three occasions , and is always welcome . I can not recall one time that I or Clair had any qualms about his demeanor . We found him a total gentleman .

I have spoken to Allen by phone and heard his side of the story ,even in the middle of a matter as sordid as this ,he will not say a bad word about anyone ,I have never heard or seen a post of his that has questioned any members character . I wonder if those that are questioning his have any mirrors in their house ?
I think that if good people are allowed to be treated like this it leaves a lot to be desired , I think that if the MODs are not in a position to give him their backing they should ask him to leave or offer him a profound apology if he has done no wrong. If he were to leave with a cloud hanging over him it would be a grave mistake .
I'm very sorry to read this Allen. I too have enjoyed looking at the competition entries and appreciate all the hard work that has gone into that and the help and advise you have given us all over the years.

I have not seen the posts mentioned but I do hope that you might be able to reconsider. It will be a great loss to us all if you go.
I am a user of many forums, these conflicts arise from time to time and are usually the result of some sort of banter that has gone too far driven by the demon drink. I have nevr seen the posts involved but know that you enjoyed this forum, you have put a lot into it and taken very little but friendships out of it. Please take a while to let things settle then rejoin us. the persons concerned will I hope fall on their swords and disappear driving people away leaves a bad taste in everyones mouth. I have enjoyed the challanges as a new turner they have pushed me to places I may have thought I was not ready for. Your help and inspiration will be missed by many should you go so Please don't.
Whatever you do and wherever you go good luck.
Allen - in simple terms I will say what I think in one word -


you will be sorely missed :( :(
boysie39":392d7sf2 said:
....... I think that if good people are allowed to be treated like this it leaves a lot to be desired , I think that if the MODs are not in a position to give him their backing they should ask him to leave or offer him a profound apology if he has done no wrong. If he were to leave with a cloud hanging over him it would be a grave mistake .

I rasied the issue of appointing Blister as a Moderator and his subsequent summary removal with the MODs. All I got was a curt "Some things work out, some don't. This didn't." as a reply. I do not know the history of what went on, or the names (user or real) of those opposed to Allen. I heartily agree that he has always conducted himself entirely appropriately since I joined the forum over ywo years ago.
Agree with all above, I started a discussion predicting this type of thing not so long ago and have to say I'm sorry to be proved right.

Good people should be encouraged to stay not left to feel the way you obviously do.

This is an example of bad moderating which in time I am sure will be felt by all concerned.

~Nil carborundum illegitemi~
Sorry to hear this news, Allen.Your contribution to the forum has been fantastic. Starting and running the monthly challenge has been a real shot in the arm for the forum and has provided me personally with a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction.
I hope you will retyurn in due course when the dust has settled on this issue.
All the best,

Sorry to see you go, as a long term lurker I always look forward to any post from yourself. i always promised myself that next year I would enter the turning comp, it was a great idea and always a joy to see what interesting ideas the entrants came up with!! Also being an original dagenham boy, going back home to see relatives I understand your point of view... All the best :)
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