Bandsaw dilemma

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Established Member
30 Dec 2009
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I need to purchase a bandsaw before the end of March (in this tax year) and have seen the Metabo 317 and Record BS300E which fit into my price range (sub £400). I'm also looking out on ebay but these two my local saw shop has in stock so I can see them in the flesh. As I'm in the back end of rural Norfolk there are not many machine shops to see saws in. Do these machines have any weaknesses? I don't suppose I shall use the full potential of them but I may want to plank split logs for woodturning.
£400 is a peculiar figure really. It's not enough to get anything really good new, but it's certainly enough to get something excellent second-hand.
I think you have a challenge!

Let us know.
My original budget was about £250 which was even more restrictive. I've taken people's advice about getting a model up from what I think I need. I'm just a hobbyist trying to get some kit together for when I retire (I won't be able to afford stuff then!) although I shall use it for some part time work. I've seen some BSs on ebay but always a long way from me although I have seen a Kity 613 only 120 miles away. I gather these are ok machines. There is a Record show coming to my local saw shop so the show price reduces the differential between the Record and the Metabo
If a seller was prepared to bolt the saw on to a pallet and wrap the rest of the saw, you could then use a site like to get courier quotes.

It works a bit like eBay, only in reverse... :wink: As couriers starting bidding for your service, the bids gradually decrease. You can choose to welcome bids of any size or, specify an amount you are looking to pay, and then wait. I usually let the bidding go on for a day or two first and then, once I've got a load of potential interest, I put my price up. There's no fee for listing on their, either. A saw of the size you're looking for shouldn't cost much... You might even be able to get one shipped for less than £25! (I've just payed £36 for a 16" saw weighing 150kg.)

Also, I believe the older Elektra Beckum 317s you'll see pop up frequently are near-identical to the modern Metabo machines. :wink:
Just about to to go to the Record show to potentially purchase a BS300E and have just seen a Metabo 317 at under my original budget (£250). Oh, decisions, decisions.

I have a Startright 252, very nice saw.

Just as I thought, the day I buy one, one turns up on ebay in my city!

Seriously though, the 352 is a bit over my budget (which was stretched anyway) and also the machine is a bit big for my small workshop (well, shed really).

I've just bought a Record BS300E from the Record show. Delivery next week. So no more dilema.