3M facemask spares


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Established Member
18 Nov 2009
Reaction score
Deanston, a stones throw from the Distillery
Greetings folks,
I have a 3M 6900 face mask - the one with the large array of interchangeable filters - and I have misplaced (probably when cleaning) a small but important washer/gasket that sits between whichever filter and the inhalation port.
I have tried a few online sellers, but they only seem to sell in considerably larger quantities than I would likely use in my lifetime.
Can anyone suggest where I may be able to locate some? Or, does anyone have access to these replacement parts that they would be willing to exchange for some beer tokens?

I appreciate any help, as the mask is effectively useless from a dust filtering point of view right now.

Hi Carl,
Yep. Those are the fellas. I had also noticed those eBay sellers. One is based in America, and something inside me baulks at the thought of spending £12 for what should be £1 for the UK based.
Thanks for the suggestion s though,
Kalimna":1ygyrame said:
Hi Carl,
something inside me baulks at the thought of spending £12 for what should be £1 for the UK based.

That'll be your Scottish genes ! :lol:

My Missus is the same - hopefully means we can retire earlier (and then I can spend our hard earned savings on wood-based items =P~
Go to an Auto Spares shop The are called fiber washers, depending on the size they are used on car engines as gaskets. They cost pence each. If you send the the internal and external diameter I will have a rummage at work see if I have one in my "box 'o' bits".

Greg - Hah! :) I may live in Scotland, but born and grew up on the Wirral. And my missus despairs of my spending rather than thriftiness. Good call though :)

Matt - Thank you for your offer. When I have a moment off night shift, I shall measure the remainder.

I made a couple of washers for the valve next the central heating pump on Christmas eve from the wife's wellys.

Just a quickie to say thank you to those offering advice. After searching for UK suppliers of less than 80units (none), and checking some American retailers (averaging about 1$ per washer but with a crippling $45-90 delivery charge), I contacted customer service at 3M UK who very kindly popped a few in the post, gratis.
Not a big thing, but excellent service nonetheless.

Kalimna":1i0hpk0o said:
Just a quickie to say thank you to those offering advice. After searching for UK suppliers of less than 80units (none), and checking some American retailers (averaging about 1$ per washer but with a crippling $45-90 delivery charge), I contacted customer service at 3M UK who very kindly popped a few in the post, gratis.
Not a big thing, but excellent service nonetheless.


Glad you got it sorted :)

Do you happen to have an email\number for them? I have been trying to get a pair of 3M Peltor Sportac ear defenders sorted but gave up after 3 months of not being able to get a response from them. At £200 you would expect better service!!



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