3 names in a hat....


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Established Member
13 Jun 2017
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...to choose the dog's name.
All equally relevant, catchy, able to be "emphasised" when needed.
Decided best of 3...
You're ahead of me, aren't you?!
Each name drawn once.

Discussion followed : the odds of that happening, please?!
...to choose the dog's name.
All equally relevant, catchy, able to be "emphasised" when needed.
Decided best of 3...
You're ahead of me, aren't you?!
Each name drawn once.

Discussion followed : the odds of that happening, please?!
I would guess 1 in 9.

Reasoning: on the first draw its random. On the second two draws the odds are 1 in three of choosing a predetermined name. so 1 in ( 1 x 3 x 3 )
Interestingly if you had told us which name then the odds drop to one in 27. Don't you just love statistics.

For added fun I have two children, one of which is a boy. What is the chance that the other is a boy?
Evens perhaps, not that unlikely. First draw doesn't count towards the calculation, it could be any. Second draw in the pot there is one the same as the first and 2 different, so it's a 2:1 on chance you get a different one. Third draw there are 3 in there 2 of which have been drawn before, so it's 1:2 against drawing a different one. If you went to a fourth draw you would be bound to get a winner, but there is no point in that, you might as well just draw it once and go with the first choice.

Or allocate each choice a number and put a formula in a cell in excel, from memory it would be something like =1+(int(Rand*3)) , that would give you a random whole number between 1 and 3. (I would need to check that formula, not got Excel in front of me right now).

Another decision making method which is not at all random is the 3 chairs method. Sit in a chair, relax, imagine yourself one year in the future. Picture yourself out on a walk calling your dog. "Come here Persephone" or whatever. How does that make you feel? Now go to another chair, repeat with another name, then a third. Eliminate one, repeat. Works for me.
Second draw in the pot there is one the same as the first and 2 different, so it's a 2:1 on chance you get a different one. Third draw there are 3 in there 2 of which have been drawn before, so it's 1:2 against drawing a different one.
Surely it's about 1 in 6 these days :ROFLMAO:
My nomination is an engineering term - SPIGOT.
My much loved granddog passed away recently and he went by that name. Versions used most of the time were SPIG or SPIGGY
Hadn't thought of
I would guess 1 in 9.

Reasoning: on the first draw its random. On the second two draws the odds are 1 in three of choosing a predetermined name. so 1 in ( 1 x 3 x 3 )
Interestingly if you had told us which name then the odds drop to one in 27. Don't you just love statistics.

For added fun I have two children, one of which is a boy. What is the chance that the other is a boy?

Is this a bit like the sock drawer in a darkened room?!
6 pairs of socks, but just chucked in separately....how many socks out, one at a time, in the dark, to guarantee that you have a matched pair?
I always hated those questions at school!

Back to your answer...perhaps I should have confirmed that all 3 names were in the hat on each of the 3 draws?
Yes, the first draw is random....why aren't the following two?
Or have I confused the issue by not stating all 3 names were back in the hat?!
(This explains why I hated these questions at school!)
Evens perhaps, not that unlikely. First draw doesn't count towards the calculation, it could be any. Second draw in the pot there is one the same as the first and 2 different, so it's a 2:1 on chance you get a different one. Third draw there are 3 in there 2 of which have been drawn before, so it's 1:2 against drawing a different one.
My logic was flawed for sure. But I think yours is too.
First draw is irrelevant.
Second draw the chance of drawing a different name is 2/3.
Third draw the chance of drawing a different name is 1/3.

Overall chance is 3/3 * 2/3 * 1/3 = 2/9.

I think. 🤫