Recent content by Jason Pettitt

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  1. Jason Pettitt


    In case it escaped your notice Roy, you were responding to a part of a comment bosshog made, not about the subject of the OP: Ultra Violet influence on weather, but about the possible effects moving through the cosmos and the sun's variance may have on climate. Let's not beat around the bush...
  2. Jason Pettitt


    Clearly you're not interested in being shown wrong. Who would be? But the best way to do that would be to avoid being wrong in the first by not making stuff up and presenting it as fact, and also to develop a strategy for accepting and learning when you are wrong. Moving through the cosmos...
  3. Jason Pettitt


    It's okay Roy, you don't have to - though everything you might need to connect the dots (all three of them), including a hand to hold, has been given to you. You just need to know that those inquisitive men and women of science are busy investigating Earth's movement through the cosmos and the...
  4. Jason Pettitt


    I've bolded bits to help you Roy. Moving though differing densities of Cosmic Rays is a (the) mechanism by which Earth's movement through the cosmos is suggested to have some impact on ice ages and they are also a suggested agent for the Sun's variations affecting climate - as detailed and...
  5. Jason Pettitt


    Cosmic Rays pertain to us moving through the cosmos (it's the photon soup that we move through) and are (thought to be) a principle agent for solar radiation flux affecting climate. Which is the subject you're saying that you know in very clear and certain terms that serious journals were, for...
  6. Jason Pettitt

    Bankers are going to have bumper bonuses this Christmas

    Oh come on, It's not like you guys are volunteers. in 2008, the year of the financial meltdown, Goldman Sachs received a $6 billion US government bailout (ie public money that should have been spent improving schools, public infrastructure, health projects, programmes to improve social...
  7. Jason Pettitt


    Google Scholar says otherwise... The Cosmic Ray/Climate connection is controversial in the same way that Top Gear is. Which is to say it isn't - but some people find it's jolly good...
  8. Jason Pettitt


    Yup, the same chap. If you can stand it there's an on line talk he gave on how all that stuff fits with the present. ... A23A.shtml
  9. Jason Pettitt


    Al-Gore doesn't present academic qualifications when he talks about global warming. He doesn't introduce his slide show as A Talk from Al Gore PhD. Muenchow also testified at the sub committee hearing [clip]
  10. Jason Pettitt


    Wilkins isn't Petermann - it's on the other side of the globe. The clip I linked to of Ricahrd Alley's testimony (he's an actual glaciologist who specialises in ice stability) touched on the fact that the two are different. But they're not that different. Barry's argument - that it's...
  11. Jason Pettitt


    Mathieson would be a definitely maybe, but I'm not wholly convinced you've got a precise match there. Whatever it is, don't stop the de-rusting.
  12. Jason Pettitt

    Vintage bevel edged chisels in the uk

    I think it'd be quicker to list the non decent makers.
  13. Jason Pettitt

    Support the Dale Farm Travellers

    Among other ways though unsympathetic changes in planning policy - sites for travellers are increasingly non-existent, residential moorings for boat dwellers likewise. There's no twaddle. The law - planning law relating to green belt in this instance - is intended to provide checks and...
  14. Jason Pettitt

    Support the Dale Farm Travellers

    Thanks Jacob. Personally speaking I think accommodating - hell, embracing even - a diversity of cultures, traditions and aspirations is a mark of a healthy society and it's a great shame that any alternatives to car + mortgage are increasingly marginalised and criminalised in the UK. Truth is...
  15. Jason Pettitt


    heehee :D The two on the right are indeed the kind of thing collectors swoon over. Shame the Norris is beat up (you're not just missing the handle, but also the depth adjuster :( ). The brand on the fourth plane blade is likely just the blade and may not be related to the plane body...