Recent content by benji81

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  1. B

    Lidl and Aldi

    jumble sale stores!
  2. B

    Be wary of what you say to your doctor

    its ridiculoud what these companies get away with these days, seems nearly everything is a scam of some sort
  3. B

    Saw a motorcycle get lifted today

    yeah but you could have put yourslef in danger by following them, you did the right thing, at least they were caught the little b&**(£ds!!!
  4. B

    check out this tax rebate -

    Ah yes, the advantages of being in love, or not as in most cases! Too many marry out of convenience these days, hence the ever increasing divorce rate!
  5. B

    Why does everybody get angry easily these days?

    people are generally angrier because they are less respectful nowdays. If only they were disciplined properly when they were younger they would oprate a better set of morals!
  6. B

    Surprising good purchase from Aldi

    i was just browsing through general chit chat
  7. B

    Surprising good purchase from Aldi

    Their shovels may be good but its still just a jumble sale of food!!!