Handsaw Spur ?


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13 Feb 2007
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Could some kind soul please tell me what is the purpose of the spur on the back of some handsaws.I have been told several reasons over the years, none very plausible.A sensible practical answer would be most welcome.
Cheers for any replies :)
Heh heh. Erv Schafer (hand saw guru of good standing) says he's heard around 200 possible explanations. Disston said they were decorative - but then Disston brought us the sway back and a nib on one of those is just wrong. Some say they're for keeping the string on to hold a wooden tooth guard in place. Some say you use it to start the cut. Some that it tells you when you to stop your stroke so you don't pull the saw right out of the kerf. Others suggests it dates from days when getting the blade right was a hit and miss affair so the nib was there to test the steel. In short - no one really knows.

Cheers, Alf
Maybe its an aid to help in cutting straight. A visual reference point on the top of the saw to compare with the bottom. I don't own a nibbed saw so I don't know if it could be used for this purpose or not, just a thought.
Thanks for the replies
My apologies for not checking previous posts to see this subject had been dealt with.

Until or unless some better idea comes along will go with the asthetics notion
It was put there by someone who realised that, far into the future, people would have too much time on their hands and could spend hours debating its purpose.
Surely it's to tell which way up it is :lol: Even turf is green so the irish know it's green side up :lol: Sorry Irish woodies, I'll get me coat. :oops:
I was told it was there to stop the devil running up your arm, although with a traditional wooden tooth guard slip and a leather strip tie it does keep the guard in place.

Can't stop, just off to get a rubber hammer and some skyhooks
