Recent content by RonnieI

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  1. R

    How to make the lid/top and not screw up mitres

    Something completely contrasting? Mahogany, walnut, wenge or similar? Could look pretty cool.
  2. R

    How to make the lid/top and not screw up mitres

    How about the two longer sided triangles out of the existing top and the other two pieces in a contrasting wood? Like a quarter panelled door.
  3. R

    Stopping epoxy leaks with glazing putty?

    Use Tyvek tape. More expensive but sticks well and epoxy doesn't seep past it like masking/parcel/Sellotape. I use hot melt glue quite a bit to make dams or to glue bits of wood scrap around an area to fill with epoxy. Sometimes needs multiple pours so avoid deep pour epoxy that takes seven days...
  4. R

    How to make the lid/top and not screw up mitres

    How about redesigning the top? Make four identical triangular pieces, glue together on the edge to form a flat sheet and there'll be no endgrain showing?
  5. R

    Cars that make you smile

    Had a 4.5 TVR Chimaera that was great fun. Had to go eventually because the other half thought it had a bumpy ride, too much wind with the top down and the engine was noisy. Pretty much the reasons why I got it! 😂
  6. R

    Use of Bees wax.

    I use a 70/20/10 mix of baby oil/beeswax/turpentine to rub on a piece before sanding. Rub on, rub off excess then sand, practically eliminates sanding dust. Sandpaper clogs but I just clean it with a brass wire brush straight into the bin. Works really well and doesn't affect any finishes once...
  7. R

    Table saw safety

    I don't have a tablesaw, always fought shy of them but still use circular saws and a bandsaw🤔. But, I've always wondered, what is the actual mechanism that causes kickback? Surely if the front of the blade is always pressing down on the front edge of the workpiece it will keep it pressed onto...
  8. R

    Myford mystro problems

    Think it is because the solenoid contactor is pulling in and dropping out when the red button is pressed. Now I've had chance to do a bit more testing, I've only got 13V between each phase and earth so I think it must be the VFD.
  9. R

    Myford mystro problems

    Hi, I've had a myford mystro mk2 for about 6 months and today it just stopped. Pressing the green start button I can hear a relay clunk, the red button and it clunks again but no motion. Is this a dud motor or something else electronic? Any ideas?