This is my first ever endeavour into selling on an open market and thought I'd share it with you on this thread.

In my local village the town hall with the local business community called ucam organise a Christmas market and this year was invited to participate. After reading the options for the sellers, we, thats Steph and I, opted to rent a chalet for 70 euros for the weekend. Our other expenses would include 20 euros for some pine boards, diesel for the car, food and drinks which was a further 30 euros. The total outlay came to 120 euros.
Why the pine boards, well the chalet came with a table and chair. The table needed to be raised to enable to display at the same hieght as the chalet shelf opening and as we were not allowed to use screws or nails on the chalets infrastructure I made a display shelf for extra space.

here is our allotted chalet we arrived Friday night for pre-instalment commenced fitting the raisers for the table

and installed the home made display shelves and as we were not allowed scews used a clamp in the back corner securing it to a down slat, which worked pefectly the whole weekend. Started fitting out the interior decorations but ran out of time.
Arrived back at 10 the next morning and re-comenced where we had left off from last night, ready for opening at 2 in the afternoon. Lots of time


The next photo is Stephs display of organisation and although it drives me nuts I live with it and to be honest it works for her.

The doors opened at two and so it began.
Overall I enjoyed the experience. Loved seeing the reaction of people when they realised it was all made by yours truly and especially those who passing by spot the stall and instantly come rushing over just to look. Their appreciation of the work splattered all over there faces. The day came to an end at 7. Steph and I went home a little shattered struggling to stay awake till we had eaten a proper meal.
Sunday, arrived at the market at 9 and were treated to breakfast by ucam with all the other sellers. Hot chocolate, tea, coffee, fruit juices, breads, fresh fruits, cheeses and meats all on offer, mingling, chatting exchanging experiences of yesterday's market. All to soon the doors opened to the public and we were at it again. The day came to a close at 7 and after complementary drink for all the participants we all trotted of home.
Now for the money part. Listening to the other vendours, this years market was deemed to have been slow. Lots of people but a severe lack of buying. Not having anything experiance to gauge this on I have to accept this as true. After totalling up the sales it came to 420 euros with one order for a light colour wood box with a lid at 30 euros and a bubble ash vase at 50 euros. Giving 80 euro commission lead. So after deducting 120 euro outlay we were left with 320 euros. So I'm inclined to agree with my French counterparts on it beening a slow market. What's your take. The last picture is from the ucam photographers site I think Steph was doing some of her organisation when this was taken