Women drivers OF THE YEAR AWARDS


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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
Reaction score
In the eternally wet North
With apologies in advance to the ladies ....

In sixth place we have


In fifth place we have this driver


In fourth position


The bronze medal goes to


Silver goes to (actually this one is my favourite)


And gold goes to this brave soul...it took me a little while to get it

There'd be no point producing a list of male driving errors because there's usually nothing left after male drivers have accidents except wreckage and gore. :p

When will you guys realise that you're not all F1 drivers and our public roads are not Grand Prix circuits? Slow down and live.

Okay, so this criticism isn't justified for all blokes, but generally speaking... Oh, and it's always the other driver who's a maniac, never the bloke sat next to me in the driving seat (and I'm not just referring to His Lordship - all male drivers who I've sat with are like this).

Gill":3o8zke2j said:
There'd be no point producing a list of male driving errors because there's usually nothing left after male drivers have accidents except wreckage and gore. :p

When will you guys realise that you're not all F1 drivers and our public roads are not Grand Prix circuits? Slow down and live.

Okay, so this criticism isn't justified for all blokes, but generally speaking... Oh, and it's always the other driver who's a maniac, never the bloke sat next to me in the driving seat (and I'm not just referring to His Lordship - all male drivers who I've sat with are like this).


Basically with you Gill but why is it that whilst going in and out of our local supermarkets, nine times out of ten it is a Female Driver one is confronted with who is trying to negotiate the tight turns with a freshly lit cigaret in between her right hand fingers or her head on one side with a mobile 'phone wedged against her shoulder and trying to fit the seat belt at pauses in the traffic flow. :shock: :evil: Not gore producing but an example of female multi tasking skills that we would all benefit from not having to avoid.
There's truth in what you're saying, Chas, but I've also seen 'executive'-type blokes committing the same sin as they try to park in city centre car parks.

My point is that Rogers' photos depict women who have walked away from their embarrassment, admittedly through the rear door sometimes :) . Had these vehicles been travelling at speed, I should imagine at least 3 of the drivers wouldn't have survived to tell the tale.

coming home last night I'd a very near miss with one o them "does their mom know they're out" drivers...

dead straight section of dual carriageway maybe 1Km long; traffic lights half way along (with a 3rd lane for a RH turn) and at the far end. There's parked cars in the left hand lane just after the first set of lights so I always take the right lane to avoid them (getting into the correct lane for a right turn a little later)... anyway...

I'm nearing the first set of lights (why are they always red??) when this silver blur shoots up inside me, pulls in front of me and does an emergency stop to avoid running the red light... Forced into avoiding giving this clown a Landrover suppository really cought my attention...While waiting for the lights to change I notice that the poor kid has an abnormal object stuck to its left ear, the left hand covering said object presumably to hide the embarrisment??. Not only that, there's a fasination for the contents of what looked to be a shoulder bag neatly stashed behind the hand-brake lever, the contents being so engaging that the changing of the lights went totally unobserved...

I count to 10... drumming fingers on the wheel patiently before giving a Mk1 toot on the horn... then the fun started...

without looking up (had to be somethin real good in the bag) the accelerator was floored... clutch let out and the blur promptly launched itself at the trafic light in the central reserve... I crept forward real slowly... repeating the Mk1 toot thinkin maybe, just maybe it'll spur its braincell into action...

Just as I'm anticipating the crunch, the braincell fired, yanking the wheel hard to the left, accelerator still nailed to the floor; resulting left swerve was harsh enough to cause the right ear to smack against the door window hard enough for me to wince... not hard enough to dislodge the left hand from the ear... (superglue??)

The blur then starts to fishtail like crazy, narrowly avoiding the parked cars, smoke belching from the tyres (I'd hate to be that clutch) before the gear change, correction of vector and woosh.........it's gone....

I cought up with it at the next set of lights, drawing alongside this time; the left hand's still stuck to the ear.. the right's now gingerly exploring the very red right ear, the head's stuck back in the bag, again oblivious to the lights...
This whole streach of road is a 30 zone..
the clown..?? a guy... early 20's in a MGF...
Moving off topic slightly,this link might make some of you wince. Playing away from home can be a risky business.

On the subject of drivers why is it that when presented with baby parking places that back onto a covered walkway that 90% of drivers ( I'm am not saying male or female) drive in rather than reverse? In so doing they end up with their shopping trolleys, and their kids, in the way of moving vehicles rather than in the safe haven of the covered walkway - they even do it in the rain. They have to reverse out - so why not reverse in?

And another pet hate of mine is the 'non-disabled' selfish b*****ds who park in Disabled Spaces but somehow I just can't persuade the local Waitrose manager to clamp 'em. :twisted:
Roger Sinden":3ok4kw2u said:
And another pet hate of mine is the 'non-disabled' selfish b*****ds who park in Disabled Spaces but somehow I just can't persuade the local Waitrose manager to clamp 'em. :twisted:

Of course not they are customers with money to spend.

Unless it became a national or at least a local authority bylaw you are not going to get any enforcement on private business land.
I know of two instances in Stroud were a £400 parking fee collected from a local authority multi story has made a couple of peoples visual awareness improve no end.
They have to reverse out - so why not reverse in?

Believe it or not, where we lived in Maryland (just outside DC) the parking lot around the local mall had signs up saying it was illegal to reverse into a parking bay (as they call them). The fine for doing so (if caught) was $100. Dumb..
Here's a story for you...

During the winter of 1998/9 I had the misfortune to have to work in Jacksonville Florida for a few months. Florida is, as many of you know, the 'blue-rinse' state as a lot people retire to there. One day a group of us were walking from the office to the local mini-mall to pick up sandwiches for lunch and as we approached the parking lot we saw a car being backed out of it's spot and heading inexorably towards a brand new Saab that was trapped behind (because of other traffic). The Saab driver was blowing his horn frantically, but the other car kept backing until - crunch. The old (actually ancient) lady driver then drove forward, up the kerb and straight at us! Fortunately she stopped as we jumped around trying to get out of her way. At that point the Saab driver had got out of his car and was 'remonstrating' with the lady driver - who denied having backed into him!

So, said Saab driver calls the police, who arrive quickly as the police station was just down the road. The police cruiser parks in the middle of the lane through the parking lot and gets out to give the old lady a ticket. His lights are flashing away merrily. While the officer is giving the lady her ticket another old couple come out of the sandwich shop (where we've now joined the queue) and climb into their car (parked in a disabled spot right outside the shop). The woman gets into the driving seat as the male is hobbling along with a zimmer. She puts her car into reverse and slams right into the police cruiser....

Truly amazing.
White House Workshop":2jw03khj said:
Believe it or not, where we lived in Maryland (just outside DC) the parking lot around the local mall had signs up saying it was illegal to reverse into a parking bay (as they call them). The fine for doing so (if caught) was $100. Dumb..
Ditto when I lived in Ann Arbor, Michigan. At least in the parking structures. I was led to believe it was because reversing into a place in a multi-storey led to black sooty deposits on the walls. So actually not a bad rule when you come to think about it. Not so relevant in an open lot though unless they were concerned with the potential liabilities if you left a sooty deposit on someones shiny new SUV.


look at this female steering her way to her menfolk having just come out of that chicane with those two greasy buggers behind her.

What steering and control she has, doesn't spill a drop


Who says women cant drive :lol: :lol:
Reversing into a bay means your exhaust fumes go straight into the covered walkway. There is a sign at our local store asking us to go in forwards to avoid this.

It is far easier and quicker to go in forwards than go past the bay and reverse in, particularly if you have a car behind you. Since most parent bays are near the door there is always a car behind you :roll: I have deduced that people will quite happily wander round a supermarket for half an hour at a time doing nothing but looking at produce, but they will balk at spending an extra 30 seconds to walk across a car park. :shock:

StevieB":2vqqndgx said:
extra 30 seconds to walk across a car park. :shock: Steve

At my local sports centre, their are two enterances, one for the mains sports halls/swimming and another for the gym. Their is always cars parked on the double yellow lines outside the gym enterance.... that way, they can get inside quicker and get on that walking machine :roll: :roll: :roll: :?

Aren't people odd?
