Does anyone know the best place to advertise a quantity of teak and what I think is mahogany. Its a min of 3" thick so I don't know who to aim it at.
Well I know a lot of folks here in Cornwall source their timber from well beyond Taunton, so I doubt that's an issue if the timber's worth having. Probably the best way to find out value is ring round suppliers in the guise of wanting to buy some. I imagine it'll be worth quite a bit, assuming it's in good nick, and decent lengths, of course. Other than boat building, I suppose affluent garden furniture makers for the teak? The mahogany, well I daresay any of us would love to have it, but it seems a shame to resaw thick stuff if it could be useful to someone as is. Hopefully someone else will be able to come up with some more concrete ideas.jmt":1c2prml8 said:Taunton-some way from any boatyard.
jmt":2caqdnxm said:It was'nt my intention to actually sell here on the group - As there is no heading for adverts I asumed it may be frowned upon.
I shall have a measure up and post some sizes. If anyone is interested, then who knows...
Thanks for your freindly comments.