Have alook at this lathe for sale on ebay
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261944319256? ... EBIDX%3AIT
Lathes like this come up for sale frequently and this same buyer bids VERY early in most cases almost within an hour of being listed
this ones been for sale 3 times recently
have a look at buyer 1s history of bid retractions how does he get away with it?
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261944319256? ... EBIDX%3AIT
Lathes like this come up for sale frequently and this same buyer bids VERY early in most cases almost within an hour of being listed
this ones been for sale 3 times recently
have a look at buyer 1s history of bid retractions how does he get away with it?