What's gotten into the wood dust?


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9fingers":39seozsb said:
There are one or two places where behaviour seems to be better. A little searching might turn up such a safe haven where there is rarely the need to for any active moderation.

Totally agree Bob, simply because individual(s) who 'fan the flames' and delight in doing so are just not tolerated...end of - Rob
You keep dropping hints; I'm surprised you don't all go there. 2 or 3 posts a day - it's very quiet and peaceful. Not unlike an old folks home. I'm sure you'd be welcome! :lol:
Jacob":2vbr7vza said:
You keep dropping hints; I'm surprised you don't all go there. 2 or 3 posts a day - it's very quiet and peaceful. Not unlike an old folks home. I'm sure you'd be welcome! :lol:

Totally agree, stay over there then..

Come on Noel stop another one of these 'Why does it happen threads' before it becomes personal again..
I think one of the biggest problems, is that the written word carries no real emotion. So when a post is made maybe in jest, the way others interpret it is as a personal attack, I think this leads to a lot of arguments on forums.
I guess we're all AI used to talking to people verbally where we can convey emotion that we assume others understand the meaning of our writings in the same way.

And yes I also agree that some people will always try to provoke arguments/heated debates as often as possible, from now on I think I too shall be adopting the tactic of ignoring these types of people.
deserter":2y6q17cq said:
.....yes I also agree that some people will always try to provoke arguments/heated debates as often as possible, from now on I think I too shall be adopting the tactic of ignoring these types of people.
But you are one of them - you started this thread!!!!
stevebuk":6ycn5pih said:
Jacob":6ycn5pih said:
You keep dropping hints; I'm surprised you don't all go there. 2 or 3 posts a day - it's very quiet and peaceful. Not unlike an old folks home. I'm sure you'd be welcome! :lol:

Totally agree, stay over there then..

Come on Noel stop another one of these 'Why does it happen threads' before it becomes personal again..

Anything you say Steve............

Seriously, there's a few folk around here who take this internet lark just a bit too seriously. Lighten up. If you do tend to come over all annoyed and offended use the ignore function, if your screen sneakily presents a quote from somebody on your ignore list just do this- don't read it, it's not hard to do.
Sure, there's other places that are more of a happy clappy nature and I imagine that sort of environment might suit a few. Lastly there does seem to be a degree of hypocrisy exhibited in this thread by some members, suppose there's nowt queer as folk.

There's good comment from Beech earlier:

I have recently ( 10 days ago) finally given in to placing three people into my "please ignore list" that is provided on this forum. Their views and approach offends me.

It works well. I do not see any of their posts but I can still follow the threads.

I don't think I have missed anything, I feel better for not having to contemplate the rubbish these people have been talking and can still contribute a few poor morsels occasionally.

Rather than slag off others I think its better to say nothing, keep my integrity and I hope my good manners.

Its a good, knowledgeable group of people who usually tolerate others. Lets keep it up.

And with that, goodnight.
I have noticed that the 'temperature' of several fora that I monitor tends to increase in spring when the sap is rising. Things return to normal after a few weeks.

Has anyone else noticed a correlation? Does anyone have a theory?
Lons":24l09k0d said:
Jacob":24l09k0d said:
But you are one of them - you started this thread!!!!

POT / KETTLE / BLACK (hammer) (hammer) :)
Maybe I should keep quiet but it's difficult when you are being accused, but in point of fact I have never started a thread like this one; moaning and whingeing about other people.
I'm only interested in woodwork and the disagreements I have are about how things are done, not personalities (except when I have to be defensive on occasions).
The last few thread I started are as follows, boring and uncontroversial IMHO:
DrPhill":1535drrk said:
I have noticed that the 'temperature' of several fora that I monitor tends to increase in spring when the sap is rising. Things return to normal after a few weeks.

Has anyone else noticed a correlation? Does anyone have a theory?

Well, assuming the Dr in your name implies something medical, would the word "testosterone" offer any explanatory power?
dickm":j26zv4du said:
Well, assuming the Dr in your name implies something medical, would the word "testosterone" offer any explanatory power?

My doctorate was gained by scientific thesis, not medical study, but I do know a little science.

The testosterone theory may be attractive on some levels but it would be depressing if it turned out to be true. It might imply that some people believe that reproductive success could result from winning arguments on a forum about woodworking. I do hope not.
Jacob":8ltxjeq4 said:
Lons":8ltxjeq4 said:
POT / KETTLE / BLACK (hammer) (hammer) :)
I'm only interested in woodwork and the disagreements I have are about how things are done, not personalities (except when I have to be defensive on occasions).

Aw Come on Jacob :roll:

You may not have started them but you are quite happy to throw in some very pointed and extreme (IMO) views which are almost guaranteed to solicit a response and rightly or not, the perception is that this is a deliberate attempt to "stir things up".
I've seen comments from you on religion, human rights, socialism, guns, the boatrace and even a throw away line on F1 - Now what have they to do with "I'm only interested in woodwork" (hammer) :lol: I certainly am not going to trawl through your posts to prove a point and You have every right to air your views on any subject but you seem to have a knack of seeming at best blunt and worst downright abusive which reminds me of politicians trying to shout down their oponents.
You seem to upset a number of people, does that not suggest some of the reason must be your attitude?

I don't know you and it 's not my place to judge Jacob but as I've said previously I read your woodworking posts with interest, learn from some and don't agree with others but you are clearly a tallented woodworker and it's sad you manage to provoke people like me to write posts like this.

Now I don't particularly want to enter into an argument with you or anyone else and assure you that my comments aren't intended as an attack on you rather just my impression of you from your posts, just as you surely have made one of me :)

I look forward to your next WOODWORKING post.


Lons":20bzpb2y said:
You may not have started them but you are quite happy to throw in some very pointed and extreme (IMO) views which are almost guaranteed to solicit a response and rightly or not, the perception is that this is a deliberate attempt to "stir things up".
I've seen comments from you on religion, human rights, socialism, guns, the boatrace and even a throw away line on F1
I never launch any of these topics myself (except the F1 thing which was to make an obtuse point) I'm only here for the woodwork, but I insist on the right to reply to some of the weird political stuff which keeps cropping up. If people don't want replies they shouldn't post comments. I'm not extreme - I'm a middle of the road lefty true, but there are a lot of us. Some people obviously lead quiet lives and are unaware of other opinions and seem genuinely surprised to read them!
You seem to upset a number of people, does that not suggest some of the reason must be your attitude.
Er no of course not - it's they who get upset. Maybe they shouldn't come out on their own? They don't have a divine right to utter weird opinions on guns, politics etc, without them being discussed.
Maybe they should all move over to the Haven? If they don't like frank exchanges of opinion they should keep put of public forums like this one. Personally I quite often don't like some of the stuff I read but I don't get upset and I certainly don't suggest they should shut up.
I don't know you and it 's not my place to judge Jacob but as I've said previously I read your woodworking posts with interest, learn from some and don't agree with others but you are clearly a tallented woodworker and it's sad you manage to provoke people like me to write posts like this.
Nobody asked you to write it. What's "sadness" got to do with it? Don't write these things if they make you sad. Don't read them if you don't like my posts.
Now I don't particularly want to enter into an argument
Well you have done haven't you! If you don't want to do it - just don't do it!

I think these personal attack threads are appalling, dull, dreary and infantile. I would never start one myself and I make no personal attacks on anybody (except occasionally in self defence). Note - I am not attacking anybody here except insofar as I am replying to unsolicited posts which refer to me.
Maybe they shouldn't come out on their own? They don't have a divine right to utter weird opinions on guns, politics etc, without them being discussed.
Maybe they should all move over to the Haven? If they don't like frank exchanges of opinion they should keep put of public forums like this one.


That's the last post I'll make on this thread, you aren't worth the effort. Don't lose any sleep - I certainly won't :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey, I'm a noob on this forum and I have to say I found this thread highly entertaining =D>

people need chill and smoke a spliff or something :lol:
jettagreg":nrr9iopx said:
Hey, I'm a noob on this forum and I have to say I found this thread highly entertaining =D>

people need chill and smoke a spliff or something :lol:

Well said, but you don't have to be a noob to find this sort of thread entertaining - in a slightly perverse way. Sadly, IMHO, these threads are one of the few remaining highlights of UKW.

FWIW, I think that things have gone down hill gradually over the last couple of years primarily due to the intolerance of a few resulting in the stifling of real discussion allowing a range of views and opinions to be expressed. In the past, before The Shaven and Woodwork UK started UKW was the best UK based woodworking forum to come for advise and encouragement. In part I blame the introduction of the ignore button which I believe enables those who use it to remain ignorant of opinions that for whatever reason they are unable or unwilling to accommodate. Perhaps they think they have nothing else to learn, which if this is the case is rather sad. As Henry Ford once said,
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.

I have received good advise and learnt a lot in the past from many who post or have posted and hopefully have been able to contribute something too. I will continue to try to contribute but I find it is becoming more and more time consuming wading through increasing levels of non woodwork related posts or posts made by people too lazy to do a simple search.

I know that this post will be seen by some as not fitting into the 'nice' category - if you feel that way then perhaps you should go and spend a bit of time in your real workshop - away from the internet for a while.

Feel free to reply to my comments and be assured that whatever you write I will read it although that doesn't mean to say that I will necessarily agree :wink:


jettagreg":2izxiwza said:
Hey, I'm a noob on this forum and I have to say I found this thread highly entertaining =D>

people need chill and smoke a spliff or something :lol:
:lol: Agree.
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