I do agree with your comments Roger. However the people in charge of the seperate Public Transport companies (TFL, South Eatern Trains, etc) need a major kick up the behind. ALL of their websites went down the very instant it happened and the information they eventually posted was vague and incorrect. SE Trains posted that Charing Cross Station was closed. That's it, not that services where re-routed, not that they were intermittent, etc. I decided to take a risk and walk to Charing Cross. Luckily for me when I got there the station was OPEN and trains were RUNNING. When I spoke to the police officer on the forecourt he told me that the station had been been closed briefly in the morning, but for the last few hours services had been running almost normally.
Surely this caused more chaos in the centre of London and put extra strain on the rest of the system.
If we are talking emergency planning, Public Transport failed imo.
Well done the Emergency Services