western red cedar for interior woodwork


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8 Jan 2017
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Im building some of my dear mothers kitchen soon and we have been toying with various material options, one thing that has come up is i have found a supply of western red cedar on ebay. wonder whether it would be suitable for the interior joinery, its going to be pretty simple country style open frames and shelves under the counter, one drawer unit.

The boss likes the idea of the smell but hates the idea of orange wood, wonder how orange itll go with osmo or similar (pretty orange from the looks of saunas and hot tubs) and i think the smell would be nice for a while, but would it go on smelling forever? would that be annoying eventually i wonder...

a friend of mine had a really nice book (just called 'cedar' i think), the native americans had it down to a fine art, splitting planks out of living trees without taking them down and building longhouses. bet they smelt friggin delicious to live in.
I've built a few musical instruments with WRC. Sounds nice, but dents if you sneeze at it! Just a touch with a fingernail leaves a mark.
As said it marks real easy. Like profchris I have used it in a couple of instruments. Rescued wall linings to be exact. It was used as drawer sides and bottoms as I think it deters moths. The smell also goes away after a while.
Western red cedar is a Thuja and not the timber used for drawer linings. Red Cedar of Lebanon 'Cedrus Libani' is the one used for drawer linings which is much harder than WRC and has a wonderful peppery scent.