Walkers Crisp's RANT


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10 Nov 2006
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Boston Lincs
Well just goes to show the recession means nothing to some company's

I look forward to my weekends , A few beer's and a family sized bag of Walkers Crisp's to cover 3 nights

Went to my local shop to get a bag 99p , and my lotto tickets

Went to pick a bag off the shelf , now :shock: £1.29 :shock: :shock: :shock:

Its not the shop pricing as it PRINTED on the packet by Walkers

So Thats it for me , NO more Walkers crisps

So off I went in search of a alternative when I did my weekly shop , Popped into Aldi and saw a 24 bag variety pack

for Waite for it £1.98 :-k :-k :-k

Knowing they will be bin fodder I purchased a bag

All I can say is WOW they are very good , nice and crisp good flavor and no way near as oil soaked as Walkers

They are ALDI own brand called Snackrite

all I can say is give them a try , I am impressed :lol:
I cannot see the justification in cost now as you consider how much of a tattie is in a bag. I can remember good old Tudor Kipper crisps at the princely sum of 2p a bag. From the local Co-op you could buy Star crisps and the Beef ones were pure dripping with flavour. I recently tried a Chicken flavour from Walkers and I could not taste no chicken flavour. I also miss my lucky bags fro mthe corner sweet shop, cinnimin sticks, sherbert saucers, Tattie Scones, etc

Now sizes is another thing, Curly Wurlies are now too small, pinching the Grandchildren Curlie wurly in the interest of saving there teeth, you understand. I notice a great deal of difference. Either that my mouth has grown, on second thoughts.

Well Bazooka Joe's bubble gum was a sweet with a education to it. As you chewed your gigantic multi segment bubble tide of flavour you could read the cartoon and the facts page that came inside its wrapper. Now what modern sweet supplies that and lasts as long as a Bazooka Joe, I ask you.
Alot of things that Aldi and Lidl sell are better than the main brands and the brands sold by Tescos, Sainburys and the like.

We had a Sainburys open near use about 3 weeks ago went in did a shop and found it really expensive and their own products and the fruit and veg are not very good.

We have decided that we will carry on shopping at Lidls and just get the things they don't sell at Sainburys.

Judging by the amount of people in Lidls today I guess that alot of people have thought the same as when we went into Sainburys to get those odd bits there were less people in there than Lidl.

Oh no nothing could force me to give up my Walkers Salt & Vineger crisps, their a consequence of giving up smoking 2 years ago :lol:


Mike.C":4zfxxd9x said:
Oh no nothing could force me to give up my Walkers Salt & Vineger crisps, their a consequence of giving up smoking 2 years ago :lol:



PM me you address and a free bag of ALDI's will be on its way

MAYBE a convert :wink:
Blister":17ou4hwg said:
Mike.C":17ou4hwg said:
Oh no nothing could force me to give up my Walkers Salt & Vineger crisps, their a consequence of giving up smoking 2 years ago :lol:



PM me you address and a free bag of ALDI's will be on its way

MAYBE a convert :wink:

Thanks very kind of you.

PM sent


Allan, forget the walkers I'm after trying a Magma Black Line Titan 400

If I pm you my address ............................. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Sorry but Cheese and Onion Walkers are the best!!!!!
Dodge":lzfhdo8j said:
Allan, forget the walkers I'm after trying a Magma Black Line Titan 400

If I pm you my address ............................. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Sorry but Cheese and Onion Walkers are the best!!!!!

No jiffy bag big enough for the Titan :lol: :lol:

But PM me your address and I will send you a bag of Cheese and onion and see if we can convert you as well :mrgreen:
Walkers crisps are fried in sunflower oil, the potatoes are all A graded and the flavouring is the best on the market..... fact. Better than some Kraut spud fried in diesel.
MrA":210dmynm said:
Walkers crisps are fried in sunflower oil, the potatoes are all A graded and the flavouring is the best on the market..... fact. Better than some Kraut spud fried in diesel.

So you have not tried ALDiI crisps yet , shame , you don't know what you are missing :wink:
Blister":1jhpwx0s said:
MrA":1jhpwx0s said:
Walkers crisps are fried in sunflower oil, the potatoes are all A graded and the flavouring is the best on the market..... fact. Better than some Kraut spud fried in diesel.

So you have not tried ALDiI crisps yet , shame , you don't know what you are missing :wink:

I have and they're not bad, but not great either imo. They're cheaper for a reason, I suppose it all depends on whether you eat crisps to soap up the odd lager or as an indulgent treat.
Maybe we should be buying English stuff to get us out of the recession rather than German?
woodpig":2ypo24kw said:
Maybe would should be buying English stuff to get us out of the recession rather than German?

Quite right, let them have their poxy BMW's, Merc's and Seimens, leave our crisps alone! :mrgreen:
Lidl cheese puffs are my weakness, I can devour a large bag of them in an evening. Best crisps I ever had were KP's crinckle cut cheese and onion, don't know what happened to them as I haven't seen them for ages. Mind you the factory here closed down so that might have something to do with it. I used to like Walkers crisps but they seemed to lose their crispness when they changed to the foil bags?
Some fascinating anecdotes .... I may tell my mars bar v crunchie story later ......
doctor Bob":12x2cuq3 said:
Some fascinating anecdotes .... I may tell my mars bar v crunchie story later ......

Damn.... won't be able to sleep* now until I've read it.

*Can't anyway, but the suspense is killing me.


Edit - Seems like everything keeps going up in price way beyond what they need to, usual, lame, excuses given; and if they think we don't notice that prices go up and sizes get smaller..... they ought to think on.
Studders me old mate it is quite obvious that Crunchies are a hole heap better then Mars Bars.

Now I am going to have a few bags of Walkers Salt and Vineger with my cocoa before I go to bed :roll:


Blister, it was reported that top paid directors etc. had a 49% pay rise last year, so they will be getting another rise next year on that price increase no doubt.

Stir, stir stir. :mrgreen:

PS just think that those packets of crisps equate to around a 5 gallon of drinking oil perhaps you have stuffed down plus a salt mine closes down every year on that consumption.

That should cure you of any crisps.

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