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Established Member
24 Aug 2002
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,

Just thought I'd write a quick note explaining why I haven't been around the forums or updating UKW this past month. No I haven't forgotten about you (as if I could :wink: ) I've been ill, for those of you who don't know I suffer from M.E which I've been 'recovering' from the past 5 years and I've just had a bad few weeks. Anyway I'm feeling better now so I'll be posting some updates next week.

I've also been a bit busy, we've sold our house and found one to buy which hopefully we'll be moving into at the end of Jan :) One of the things that makes the new house so great is it's got a purpose built workshop in the garden which is a small step up from my current 3m x 2m workshop.



No that isn't the house - thats the workshop 8) :D I wasn't going to post the picture just yet but as I haven't been around for a while I thought I'm owed some 'gloats' :wink:


I'm going away tomorrow till the 2nd so I'll be back on the forums then.


once more you comments have been the
reason for a new keyboard for me :lol:

Superb workshop but beware you might end
up with an Anaconda in a shop that size.
Now whats the number of our local reptile stockist :wink:

Hope your feeling better.

Sorry to hear about your poor health. It's nice to have you back with us though.

There's a distinct lack of trees around your new workshop :wink: . Clearly, the neighbours knew you were about to arrive and fenced theirs off.


not that I'm jealous..... but I hope yer next chit's a hedgehog an it comes out backwards......




no excuses now Charlie.... assuming you can work around the undercarriage...... of course....
Hey charley room for 1 more in that workshop :lol: .Only jokin m8 hope you post a picky of the first project to come out of that lovely lookin workshop . All you need now is just a few more tools for that back wall :p

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