Trend T5 repair

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Established Member
1 Jul 2017
Reaction score
Preston, Lancs
I've got an old Trend T5, which was working perfectly until I moved the vacuum it was attached to and dragged it off the bench. Only v minor mechanical damage, but the router does not switch on. I checked the switch and this is OK and mains voltage is getting to the circuit board in the top of the router. Has anyone got any tips on what may be wrong? I'm going to open it up and take it to bits and see if I can find out what's wrong, but any pointers would be handy.
The power switches in the T5 are notorious for being filled with dust and become temperamental, but doesn’t sound like the case this time.

Spare parts can be bought from miles tool and machinery at a decent price.

how do you know it’s getting volts ok if you’ve not taken it apart yet?

@EddyCurrent - I took the brushes out and replaced them to check that they were connected and seated OK. They appeared OK anyway, but it didn't make any difference reseating them, so for now, I'm assuming that's not the reason.

@TheTiddles - I've only taken off the top section of the router, where there is an encapsulated circuit board and the switch cover on the side. Next is more major surgery to get into the body of the machine. That's the bit I'd like help on. I've also found that my local/nearest Trend repair agent want £20 plus parts which seems OK. However, I emailed Trend and they said that in their opinion it would be difficult to repair since there aren't any spares for my machine ...
