Trend T11

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Steve Maskery

Established Member
26 Apr 2004
Reaction score
I just discovered something annoying about this otherwise stupendously good router. The fence rods are further apart than on my Elu and DW, which are otherwise the same size and shape.

It's a problem if you have fence-mounted jigs. Fortunately I have only one, and it will be very easy to make a suitable part, but a nuisance all the same.

I was viewing the T11 ads with envy, Steve is it as good as it seems?

( I seem to remember by T9 also has a non standard fence rod spacing - luckily i use my T5 with the fences and the T9 under the table)
I've just got one - very pleased with it

I do have a couple of minor gripes:

The springs are a bit savage and I also find that the square nut at the top of the fine height adjuster can turn slightly when plunging which means it can skip slightly when returning to full height. Not dangerous or likely to damage work (the bit is always safely up by then) but it has made me jump a couple of times!

But that said - the inverted adjustment is just magic. If I end up leaving it in the table all the time (likely) then I'll have the springs out.


So far I've used it only once in anger, and was very pleased. Powerful, smooth, easy to get accurate centricity on guide bushes. And of course the built-in height adjustment is great.

Although I've not tried it, the quick-fit router table facility looks good too.

I currently have an old 177E in my router table, with a Router-Raizer and Xtreme Xtension. It's in there permanently, so I'll probably won't bother swapping it. I use my DW625 mainly for M&T, with a couple of jigs, and as the base of the T11 is VERY SLIGHTLY different, will probably continue to use that as well. But it means I now have a nice meaty router for general use.

I also have a couple of smaller ones, my very first MOF96, which has been knackered for years, but I still keep it (don't know why, it's pretty unuseable) and a 96E, which is just beginning to go. Both have been faithful servants.

I am surprised to hear that the T11 fence rods are further apart than the DW & Elu when the T11 is a copy of them.
Trnd point to the 75mm aperture in the T11 so larger diameter cutters can be used.
Using such large dia cutters when hand held is dangerous and should be limited to table use.
That said, the Trend panel raising bits are 86mm dia so will not fit unless the router is locked down.
I also see that the T10 & T11 come with just a 1/2" collett with other colletts at approx £20 each.
Both versions cost a lot more than the DW625 on which they are based.