Not the Sharpest Moderator in the box
Well, today it was confirmed on a visit to hospital that I will be getting my foot fused sometime in November (I apparently have arthritis in my foot as a result of being stupid when young and having broken it 4 times over the years). As a consequence of this I was told that I will be bed bound for at least 2 - 3 weeks. Now this is a bit of a problem for me as I think getting up at half eight on a Sunday is a long lie-in. So to help pass the time I'm considering getting some reading matterial in. I've just got Joseph Holtzappfels various volumes and as maquetry is a passion, I was thinking about getting the above book. Do any of the esteemed members here have this already and having read it what are your opinions? also any suggestions gladly welcomed, whether digital or paper