I would check and see if a standard £100. flight would fit. there is a longer flight available another 3 treads, i think.
This could save you a lot of work and expence by going to Jewsons or travis porkins and check out the rise and going of the 2 standard flights. It always pays to keep within building regs as much as possible
Check the rise from the existing floor to the loft finished (or proposed finish floor level). and the going space available to you, get help if necessary, and work out you're options.
Should you need to make you're own it's probably best to router out the strings and fit treads and risers as you maywell find it a lot easier to make any fire precautions to the underside.
Youwould need much thicker and "beefy"strings to fit open treads.
Its pretty straight foreward, once you understand the few basic rules.
HTH Regards Rodders