Can anyone please tell me where I can buy spray finish accessories like filter papers. measuring cups etc. Ideally online but any help gratefully received.
They charge for delivery so you need to order a fair bit to make it worthwhile. I usually get Abralon abrasives , paper wipes and masking paper from them
I think I got my viscosity cup at Bolloms. I find that generally I can get good results by eye - just watching how fast stuff drips off a mixing stick.
If you really need a cup, then give Bolloms a ring. Make sure you ask for the tables that allow conversion from whatever cup they supply to the various standards - like Ford viscosity cup etc.
P.S. JW Bollom have branches in several places, there may be one near you.
shady, did you manage to get a viscosity cup?
i was just browsing a couple of sites, after a new gravity fed spray gun,
and came across this
under equiptment, they list a viscosity cup there HTH
Matt, thanks - Bolloms appear, if I've got the right lot, to have sold out to another firm, so I haven't yet... That looks like exactly the sort of site I need - so TY again...