Mike's been a busy boy.
Ah, the web site. Long story short, the web site went up and it quickly became just a way to update clients on WIP. The bloody thing takes more time than I would like.
The saws are a new direction for the business--at least as a focus. I'll always make some furniture pieces, but this change of direction is fairly permenant.
The saws came about as I was sharpening for several galoots [local and otherwise] and as a reference for a local hardware store. One of the clients knew of someone who was looking to have some saws made. He had played with a couple of my saws and recommended me to this collector. A deal was made as were the saws.
As furniture has gotten physically challenging for me, I have found a relief and joy in making the saws. Sharpening has sort of burst open--so much so that I ended up with 95-100 saws in less than a week a few weeks ago and they keep coming in--albeit at a much more manageable pace.
Healing was so slow [mostly due to using the dumb thing] that the last of the big rush of saws and those that dribbled in left yesterday [well, I have two more] and I can get back to the business of business. The right forefinger still hurts if I press on it, but it is manageable.
Mixed in there, I was also writing an article on sharpening. At one point I had every manufacturers' motorized piece of sharpening gear here. Looked like a Christmas gone really bad.
The new web site is mostly ready to post, though I am having someone make it a little nicer to use for ordering. Too, I have made another 23 saws in the last couple weeks for some previous customers.
Here's a pic of one in progress. I did this one after dinner last night.
Harvey Peace saw
This is what the small tenon saws look like. This one has a 12" long blade, and will have 3 1/2" below the spine. A three more hours of work and it will be ready to ship to the buyer.
Handle needs shaped [and a couple coats of oil, dried and a couple very thin coats of shellac], the blade polished, brass back installed and the teeth filed in. The handle design is from a Harvey Peace saw I have used. It is "let into" the saw blade. Gives a very immediate feeling to sawing.
Well, take care. I need more coffee. And I need to prepare for a trip next week. Without computer! 5 days you'll be free from Mikey...