Watched it ..... can't quite decide what he thinks of the plane
There's a whole and eventually acrimonious thread from some years back on this subject. Personally I agree with your own sentiment and find it difficult to appreciate the opposing argument that suggests buyers of things should have to finish manufacturing themselves just so they know how for when the thing needs fettling later, often after every day or hour or minute of use if one gets a true fettle-needer.I like his channel a lot. He's posted videos that have helped me in the past. He's obviously having a ball in this video, but I sort of get the main theme: wouldn't it be great if companies just didn't make crap tools, how frustraing it is that they do and that the people who suffer most are newbies buying their first tools.
If you can sharpen the blade. I tried to sharpen my brothers cheap plane blade. It was awful. The metal was soft and would barely take an edge. In the end I got it kind of sharp but I wouldn't use it for anything other than hacking things roughly to shape. And even then it would probably be a massive pain.If you can sharpen a blade, you can flatten a sole.
Click-baiting hissy fit.
I agree with what you say, it's YT, you don't like it, you move along.If you can sharpen the blade. I tried to sharpen my brothers cheap plane blade. It was awful. The metal was soft and would barely take an edge. In the end I got it kind of sharp but I wouldn't use it for anything other than hacking things roughly to shape. And even then it would probably be a massive pain.
Whilst I am no sharpening expert my planes and chisels I can get an edge that is sharp enough to do the obligatory shaving of hairs and slicing the side of a sheet of A4 held in the air. So I don't think I was the problem in this instance.
I think this is part of the point of this video (I actually watch a lot of his videos as he is generally pretty good at explaining and showing some great work). Someone who doesn't know that the blade is never going to sharpen properly is going to get disheartened at not being able to sharpen it and may lose interest in woodworking when everything they try and plane turns out as junk.
I would probably have preferred an explanation of the parts that are poor and the effects it has on trying to plane but it's youtubeIf you don't like this one move to the next.
As an aside I watched a video about setting up a plane properly and it was well worth doing. If you've (anyone reading this, not specifically Dzj) never adjusted the frog, it's worth looking into.
To be fair I didn't like this video as it was mostly pointless. But if you are into woodturning don't give up on his channel he is very knowledgable and also does some videos with his Dad. They can be interesting as his Dad will show you how he does it, then the son does it his way. I think that's the only video of his that I've seen thats like this. I guess he is just trying something different to get more views.I agree with what you say, it's YT, you don't like it, you move along.
His presentation came across as histrionic, childish...not my thing.
The OP suggested the video, so I had a look. I wouldn't have otherwise.