Shaft/stem collars

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IG paulm_outdoors
25 Sep 2005
Reaction score
North Hampshire
Anybody know of any more local sources for these type of things ... d3a8c44801

Saw Glenn Lucas using them on his toolrest stems to keep the toolrest at centre height when he wanted too, made it quicker and easier to adjust toolrest angle without losing the height. May be a solution looking for a problem :lol: but looked useful and wouldn't mind trying it out if I could source one more easily.

I actually made a quick and dirty spacer from plastic waste/overflow pipe to accomplish the same thing for my McNaughton centre saver which is quite sensitive to the toolrest height, but could do with something more businesslike.

Cheers, Paul
drilled scraps work fine - you can even turn the outside if looks matter to you...:)

I will admit that having made a couple I stopped using them pretty quickly because whilst they enable the accurate positioning of the rest height they prevent the accurate adjustment of the rest height - and only one of my tools has the cutting edge exactly at rest height. With this I do sometimes use one (oak)


just to clarify I simply made a couple of full height spacer collars (for exact centre height and 2 different rests) rather than fitting a locking screw to make the collar adjustable in it's position.
Hmmm, maybe not, got all the way through the checkout process to discover £5 of goods were going to cost £11.40 to ship :shock:

Cheers, Paul
Paul, what's the stem diameter for your rests, is it 1" (25.4mm) , 25mm or something different.
I use jubilee clips they work as well as those ones and are a lot cheaper.

It's 1" on the wivamacs I believe Chas.

May try and knock one up from timber, screw insert and star knob sometime I guess unless I can find a local stockist to collect from.

Just seen your post John, that could be the easiest solution of all, simples !

Cheers, Paul
Just checked the Toolpost wivamac details Chas and confirmed at 1" as I thought.

That would be fantastic if you could !

Let me know what I can do in return, beer vouchers, timber or anything else that comes to mind.... :-k

One of these days I'm going to get sucked into getting a wee metal turning lathe as well for making up bits and pieces you wish you had now and again.

Cheers, Paul

Available from agricultural suppliers in various sizes - I use one as a stop for sharpening my 1 1/4" roughing gouge on the Tormek, from memory it was about £4.

Regards Mick
Spindle":3jnb70nv said:

Available from agricultural suppliers in various sizes - I use one as a stop for sharpening my 1 1/4" roughing gouge on the Tormek, from memory it was about £4.

Regards Mick

Ah, but the EA ones referenced above are only 1.78 each (inc vat) - so it's all down to the shipping arrangements (as ever on small value items)

Err no

The 1 9/16" , which is nearer the size I needed for my roughing gouge is £6 + P&P no doubt ;-)

Regards Mick
As good as his word, had a wee parcel waiting for me from Chas when I got home on Friday evening, with a couple of these:


Sorry about the picture quality, the phone camera wouldn't focus so well close up, but very accurately and thoughtfully made, perfect fit, and all edges internal and external chamfered, quality work :D

Here's one on my normal toolrest, the adjustment bolt on which gets in the way a bit but doesn't affect usage


And here's the second one on my mcnaughton coring rig where it will be especially useful


Can't thank you enough Chas, and an Axi' gift voucher on it's way to cover your costs and time. Many thanks indeed :D

Cheers, Paul
Glad they eventually arrived Paul, obviously royal mail has a different calendar to the rest of us. (72 hour days :roll: )
That bolt location (adjustment?) is certainly a niggling feature.
Agree on the bolt adjustment Chas, it allows the toolrest holder stem to pivot eccentrically closer to or further away from the edge of the banjo. Never found a need for it though. Suspect it may also have been easier to fabricate than a one piece casting !

A bit of work on the bolt head and washer on the grinder this morning sorted it out


Much better now, and having been roughing down a large 13" oak blank this morning for coring with the mcnaughton this afternoon it has been just as useful and effective in practice as I hoped, one less bit of adjustment to fiddle with when trying to concentrate on the turning !

Cheers, Paul