Sewing box.

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Established Member
4 Oct 2020
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I didn't win a sewing box on eBay and apologized to my 14yo daughter who said you could make one dad.

So I could.

16 X 12 I think 6 deep 3 X cantilever drawers typical style handle and small feet. 1/8 Birch ply bottoms and lid?

What wood would you use beech ? Maple?? 10mm thick ok? Dovetails all round?

Cheers James
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something like this? Wood Cantilever Sewing Box: 3 Tier with Drawer

I think 20mm would be much too thick. I would expect 10-12mm, although get any hinges first because nice ones are hard to find (or very expensive) with very narrow leaves. That may be your restriction. 16x12 (A3 paper size) feels big, is it going to be too heavy?

Joining method- your choice. dovetails will look fine, as will various other things. I quite like what they have done on the commercial one actually as a quick method and I have used similar on boxes- it is nice and easy to clamp.

for wood, she is 14 so probably has strong ideas on what she likes. I would see what she fancies and work around that. ask her whether she wants light, medium, dark or painted for starters. I dont really like beech (personal preference), but I would be thinking maple, cherry, oak, walnut as the options. Oak can be made anything from golden to black. Base it around what you have available though. My 9 year old enjoys being involved in the design stage of project being made for her.
what I would do is make a simple mockup using a cardboard box and sellotape to check that you like the size and proportions.