The question has probably been asked before so apologies if I'm covering old ground.
When cutting treated fence posts, featheredge boards, decking and the like, in the past I've dipped the cut edge in a tin of clear wood preserver for a few minutes before leaving it a few days to dry out and then applying the appropriate finish. However, I think I read somewhere of a recommendation of the use of resin wet rot wood hardener instead as it dried quicker and was more durable.
What does the team think?
When cutting treated fence posts, featheredge boards, decking and the like, in the past I've dipped the cut edge in a tin of clear wood preserver for a few minutes before leaving it a few days to dry out and then applying the appropriate finish. However, I think I read somewhere of a recommendation of the use of resin wet rot wood hardener instead as it dried quicker and was more durable.
What does the team think?