Hi Whybob, welcome to the forum.
My son has the Scheppach TS2500, but it is the older non cast iron model which you couldn't use a dado head cutter with.
Sorry if i am giving you the wrong information here (i am sure someone will correct me if i am wrong), but although you can use some sort of dado on the new model (TS2500CI), i believe that it is more like a wobble blade or adjustable groover as they call it, and if this is the case you would be unable to use the CMT.
Is it a good saw? Yes i think so. My son loves it, and now that it comes with a cast iron table i believe that it will be even better.
A number of other members have this saw and it will not be long before they give you their verdict.
Another good table saw which i had a go on last week is the Jet JTS-250S, this also comes with a sliding table.
If you are a fan of the New Yankee Workshop then one other saw that i have never used, but heard a lot of good things about from other members, is the Excalibur 805. This is a clone of Norms Delta Uni-saw and you certainly can use dado head cutters in this. Ask Philly about it and you will find that he's its biggest fan.
Edit: while searching google to try and get some info about the adjustable groover, i came upon the following at D B Keighley
http://www.dbkeighley.co.uk/masters/ts2500.htm As you see it appears that the non cast iron ts2500 is still on the market, is this right? Because that page also has a link to the ts2500ci