Keep Pledge off your furniture if you have any thoughts now or in the future of refinishing or touching the finish up. It contains silicone which causes no end of finishing problems. Finish won't lay down smooth getting an orange peel or fish eye surface. Almost impossible to get rid of once on your furniture even after stripping. It also contaminates the surfaces in a shop, transferring to the work you are doing with the resulting finish problems.
The only half decent use for Pledge and its imitators is to coat snow shovels so the snow won't stick to it.
Oh (_o_) you have just explained where I have been going wrong trying to resurface an oak table, is there a cure?Keep Pledge off your furniture if you have any thoughts now or in the future of refinishing or touching the finish up. It contains silicone which causes no end of finishing problems. Finish won't lay down smooth getting an orange peel or fish eye surface. Almost impossible to get rid of once on your furniture even after stripping. It also contaminates the surfaces in a shop, transferring to the work you are doing with the resulting finish problems.
The only half decent use for Pledge and its imitators is to coat snow shovels so the snow won't stick to it.
The "traditional" answer is "mayonnaise". I think that comes from Mrs Beeton's Household Management but I've heard it multiple times. Never tried it though...