Recommendations For Decking treatment

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Cyber Heretic
15 Feb 2012
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Directly above the center of the earth
Our decking was installed last year and has mellowed to about the right shade. When the dry weather comes we want to treat it to extend its life and maybe retain the current shade. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what we should use? We may want eventually to paint with anti-slip coating. We have not had new decking before, and are worried it may go slippery like some of the old decking that was here when we moved in (now ripped up). Since this decking is in full sun that seems less likely (the slippery decking was quite shaded.

All opinions welcome. OK, all opinions on decking welcome :D .

Thanks in advance for any help.
I've always used Liberon on ours - no particular problems, though it does need doing annually. AFAIK they don't do an anti-slip decking oil, just an anti-slip top-coat. Might try Osmo this spring, see how that goes - quite a lot more expensive though, roughly twice the price for half as much... :-k
I have managed to persuade some customers to allow a slight fall in the decking ribbed direction, allowing the water to drain. I also have misgivings with any water based finishes.
I have painted a decking area with exterior gloss with some kiln dried play sand mixed in, for grip, as an experiment, as of last summer, looking good so far, and seems good on the steps too.