The only older deWalt you'll normally find in single phase with a 600mm crosscut was called the DW1751 (the 3-phase version was the DW1753). It was basically a beefed-up DW125 with a longer arm. They came in at the end of the green/orange period and were "subsumed" into the silver/black/blue knob Elu range (as the 8000/8100?). The next sizes up from this model were the DW1600 and DW1800 ranges. You'll be unlikely to find 1600s in single phase (they do exist, it's just that they are rare) and I don't even know if the 1800s were done in single phase. At least DeWalt have published some of the manuals and parts lists on their web site at so ascertaining what you'll need is pretty easy.
The main thing to watch out for on radial arm saws is that there are no rough spots in the carriage traverse - on deWalts that indicates worn tracks in the cast iron arm which in turn means either a replacement arm or an expensive machining job (if you can find anyone who will do it).
There are alternatives, though. Multico did make a long arm radial arm saw with 10/12in blade until sometime in the 1970s and there are quite a few Wadkin BRA 12in radial arm saws kicking about, some of which come with single phase motors and 24in crosscut (especially the larger 14 in variety). The BRA carriage runs on standard bearings (deWalts have special purpose-made bearings) with hardened round bar guides and so are easily renovated.
BTW I am not anti-deWalt at all - I use a DW1751 and I've had two others before that (a DW111 and a DW125)