Project climbing wall

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13 Oct 2020
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St helens
Hi all I am new to the website which a lot of questions to help a project.
I have had a small training climbing wall built in the back garden due to all the lock down. I am looking to add a small roof to it so can use it in the rain. I have put a tarpaulin over it but can not use the top holds.
I am look to put a 500/600 slanted roof on it.
an idea i have in mind is on the flat at the top put some wood up and put it at an angle
Hi, and welcome. TBH im not quite sure what you are asking. Probably if i knew anything about climbing walls it would be obvious, but i’m afraid i dont!

so, how much space do you need between the top and the roof? How big does the roof need to be, and how permanent? Is it to Protect from a light shower or torrential rain? how is the climbing wall secured? Is it free standing or bolted down.

i doubt roofing it is too hard but we may ned to know a bit more.

alternatively of course someone may know exactly what you are after and be along shortly With the perfect answer. :)
The darker bit at the top I want to add to the wall. I am just wondering the best way of making the triangle bits and attaching them to the flat at the top of my wall. Im think two options
Cut a angle in to some larger wood and try and angle the screws in or make them in a sort of frame and attach the back bit then the other two to creat the triangle
Ok,i think I'm getting there.

its probably easier make your triangle out of a short (2.4m) length of 150x50 ‘treated‘ wood. make a right angle triangle ‘cos thats easier. Screw these in place from the back using exterior garden screws. Pickup a sheet of WBP ply, or OSB3 if you can handle a big sheet. Cut it to the size of overhang you need and nail it to the triangles. Cover with a bit of roofing felt, or a small pack of felt shingles (which might be cheaper).

its a pretty simple diy job. Your local builders merchant or wickes will have all you need.

Does this make any sense?