I have the usual collection of tired or non-functional deWalt 18V batteries, and thought it might be an idea to try cannibalising a couple together, replacing dud cells in one with apparently OK ones from the other. Got it all back together, but when trying to charge it, the charger gave the "battery fault" light after a couple of seconds. Tried in a different charger, and it apparently charged up, but only got to 14V.
All the cells that are in the reassembled battery seem to charge to a similar voltage, and none seems in any way different. Wondered if the thermistor might be faulty, but both seem to have similar characteristics when tested.
Any suggestions, other than "don't bother"?
All the cells that are in the reassembled battery seem to charge to a similar voltage, and none seems in any way different. Wondered if the thermistor might be faulty, but both seem to have similar characteristics when tested.
Any suggestions, other than "don't bother"?