HI Aragorn,
Yes it can be a nightmare can't it?
My own structure is that I have a folder under My Documents called Wood Projects, and a folder under that for each job. In that folder will be the AutoCad drawing, the write-up article, and another folder called Pics. In Pics are all the pictures (who'd have guessed it?) and a document listing the pictures and what they show.
My Documents
--- Wood Projects
--- --- Dining Table
--- --- --- Pics
I use the inbuilt XP stuff and the prog that came with my Fuji camera to view and manage the pictures. I also have a naming convention for the pictures themselves (the camera calls them DSC001 etc). I call them "01 Leg Blank", "02 CUtting Mortices", etc. This does two things. It makes them easy to sort alphabetically (although one of the Windows options is to Sort By Date and Time), and by using the WIndows Power Tools, I can copy the directory listing to the clipboard, paste it into a word document, covert it to a Table then sort alphabetically. If I don't have the 01, 02 prefixes, then even if they are displayed in date order in the folder, when the listing is copied to the clipboard they come out alphabetically, rather than in date order. The numeric prefixes force correct listing. It also means that if I have taken several shots of the same subject (perhaps taken at different settings) they can have the same name but with different prefixes, eg "27 Completed Chair", "28 Completed Chair".
I definitely recommend the use of the Power Tools, they are available from the MS website. You really need the Win95 ones as well as the XP ones, as some of the older ones have been dropped for some strange reason.
Hope this gives you one or two ideas.